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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Aww I though this was a contest for a outbaord boat motor
  2. Wing night at Fluffheads sometime?
  3. haha My foreman today told me Im goin to have to run the site for the night cause hes leaving around 6 hahaha "Personal reasons" he said, haha But I know wheres hes goin to be, im telling him to pick me up a t shirt or im goin to spill the beans
  4. Bump! Hey im really looking in to doing this, anyone else goin? Driving Flying any suggestions? Im trying to get a rough price on airline tickets but I cant seem to get it dfone over the net ill probally inquire tommorow on the phone maybe
  5. I wouldnt mind catching Brent Butt's stand up, im pretty fond of corner Gas
  6. I dually wish these shows were on weekends!
  7. I think im goin to go down for the Ottawa show and the hammer show and possiablly the Toronto show if I can check outa work earlie!
  8. Sweet I migth have to check this one out!
  9. 349. Songs mentioning baked goods 1. Frank Zappa - The Muffin Man 2. Cookie Monster - C is for Cookie 3. Don McLean - American Pie 4. The Who - Heinz Baked Beans 5. Bob Dylan - Country Pie 6. Widespread Panic - Blue Indian (cornbread) 7. Kinky Friedman - Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In The Bed 8. Warrant - Cherry Pie 9. Jethro Tull - Piece of Cake 10. James Taylor - Sweet Potato Pie 11. Dave Matthews Band- Corn Bread 12.
  10. Im deffinatly goin to look in to this one! Cause I dont need any flyers besdies my monthy dominos and chinese food ones
  11. Oh yea and when I was home I got shown to this website, Its pretty good for finding out whats goin on in NB and other Atlantic spots, expecially Saint John and Freddy town Giraffe Cycle
  12. Yea Fuck I couldnt even go it it with out my spam thingy popping up a million times, hopefully Jay does something with it and get things running smooth again
  13. Yea ive made some Dandilion Wine before the way it sound like your doing it but I want to get a still, somethign I can let go and do it magic for a while then come back to it
  14. Im thinking about getting the stuff to start making my own wine at home and I was wondering if any Skanks out there do this already, and if so how much does it cost rouhgtly to get this operation started? and hints tricks and such like this. There is a brew store just down the lakeshore I think Im goin to chekc out later this week, to buy or figure things out. But thoguht I would see if anyone here does this.
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