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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Im fine and full of wine here in Mississauga!
  2. Hey buddy I knwo your over seas in Seoul, and I was wondering What does there Keayboard look like? I would imagine there probally not english letters on there or maybe they are? I dunno I was wondering what they looked like and, have any pictures.... Oh yea And Do they sell Alphagetti? If so what does it look like? is it differnt? Just a late night thought
  3. I deffinatly Agree ! And dont worrie as Soon as I can get it, it will be posted and im sure I will have a coupel Jars kicking around
  4. You bet I will Headymama, Now that my summer vavcation is over im focused on Christmas!
  5. Moms is good but Nannie is still holding on the the best secret recipt I think im goin to try to butter her up when I get back home for x mas to get a copy of it! Nothing like NB Chow Chow!
  6. Cant you just beat the shit outa us instead
  7. Yea that is a shitty deal! I really Like Bernnies in your face style!
  8. If all works out I migth be in attendance
  9. You can buy the store bought stuff in pretty much any sobeys or dominion or any grocery store, although its not even 1/3 as good as homemade stuff, its a easy solution.
  10. Fuck I wish I didnt have to to work tonight aswell!!
  11. I just watched this last night with my brother be bought the DVD and my god I loved it!!! the GW and Doogies Scenes were hilarious, and I laughed my ass off when he was having a 3 some with the bag of weed Fucking hilarious!
  12. Where ive been getting my wings the last couple months is at Sloppy Joes, in Long Branch just east of the Street car loop on Lakeshore, they have Wing night which is Mondays and Wedsnday and there wings are massive and meaty and got some GREEAT flavour I havent tried them all cause I love hot hot hot wings so thats what I always get, its 50 cents a wing and there massive I usually struggle to get more than 15 in to me, Im deffinatly goin to be there this wedsnday for sure!
  13. Im in shorts all day till I got to go to work at 6 tonight then its pants
  14. OMG Im goin to be a millionare all i need is to buy some thick frammed classes grow a soul patch and smoke a pipe and then sell my works of art!~
  15. I like it with chucks of oinions and green tommatoe and carrots and stuff in it so its hearty and chunky still
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