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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. YEEE HAAW! Thanks for the upload. Can't wait to grab this on vinyl.
  2. The Felice Brothers - Yonder Is The Clock
  3. I'll be there after Islands and Gentlemen Reg! WOOHOO Birthday show!
  4. Jason Molina - Let Me Go, Let Me Go, Let Me Go
  5. Nothing seems to be working. I don't understand why it would say these files are corrupt and can't be burned but they play fine on my computer.
  6. I've downloaded movies (700mb .avi files) off btjunkie. Some I am able to burn onto dvd and some I can't. I'm using Windows DVD Maker. The files look exactly the same and they all play fine off my computer. When I go to add some of them to burn it says the file is not valid or corrupt and I don't understand why. Anyone know why this could be happening?
  7. It's not coming in for me either. I'm missing Lucinda Williams right now. Drag. The Coachella webcast worked fine for me the other month.
  8. Agreed, I should have one. I don't bike on the roads, I don't bike fast, I follow every traffic rule when it comes to crossing the street. I realize and respect it as a vehicle... I just wish people in cars, trucks and SUV's realized it.
  9. That cyclist was an idiot. I don't ride my bike like that, I wouldn't even moonwalk like that.
  10. Sorry' date=' then you give up all right to bitch. [/quote'] Would she have a right or is she just as stupid for not wearing a helmet and having one on her kid for crossing the road too?
  11. If the sign shows the walking dude, whether I'm on a bike or on foot I take that as a green light for pedestrians. I never speed across the street because you never know. I stop, I push the little button to make the cars stop, so fucking stop.
  12. I don't wear a helmet. I probably should wear one with enough stupid, thoughtless pricks driving these days though.
  13. Please WATCH where you are going! Today was the 3rd time in one week I've nearly been hit on my bike by a car that thinks turning right on a red is HIS right away and FUCK pedestrians. Unfortunately for the driver today I was in a REALLY shitty mood and he also nearly took out a woman pushing her kid in a stroller. Just because you're pissed that Capri's aren't on sale enough at Old Navy doesn't give you the right to speed around like a fucking moron. I dropped my bike in the road and kicked the fuck out of his bumper, taking off his license plate in the process. Perhaps what I did was wrong and I overreacted. But let's just imagine for a second he couldn't brake at that last second and hit knocked that stroller 10 feet in the air. I waited for the police after booting the shit out of his bumper. Was told I could be arrested for vandalism but they were letting me go with a warning. The driver was pissed but was told he was negligent and should think about his OWN child in the back being hit by some asshole who doesn't wanna look out for people that aren't in cars by the police. Thank you Hamilton Police. If you drive a car in a major city please realize that there are people walking and biking as well. It's not just people in cars you need to look out for. We have a right to travel without gas drinking vehicles, I follow every traffic rule and I only ask that drivers do the same. End of rant.
  14. Happy Birthday buddy! Hope you had fun at Phish.
  15. $100 Attack In Black B.A. Johnston Burning Hell D'Ubervilles Eric's Trip Fembots Jon-Rae Fletcher Julie Doiron Ladyhawk The Magic Ohbijou Rock Plaza Central Shotgun Jimmie Timber Timbre Wintersleep You've gotta be shitting me!!! That's an incredible lineup! Makes Hillside look like poo.
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