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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. I've sent the facebook event to everyone I know in Guelph. If it wasn't Pepper Jack Cafe's last night I would be there for sure. Have a great show Dave.
  2. Read my post dude. As I said that I haven't seen any mention of this. That's strange. I've noticed it mentioned in nearly every news story involving H1N1 for a while now.
  3. WOOHOO! Thanks for the heads up Kev
  4. We need another fundraiser for sure! Let's make it happen.
  5. They've shown up everywhere. Watch the news dude.
  6. You're more than welcome at my 9 bedroom house.
  7. Sorry, can't help ya with jazz stuff.
  8. I think the Fleet Foxes album is a great album to have a nice dinner to.
  9. Thanks for taping that one dcaley. I downloaded it a while ago and it sounds great.
  10. NewRider


    I just got on there last week. No invites yet and I'm having a hard time keeping my ratio up as the site has a ton of stuff I've wanted. As soon as I get some invites I'll post here.
  11. Agreed. I'm digging their latest album as well.
  12. The duet with Patterson Hood, "Friends" is CLASSIC!
  13. I have seen them live twice and both times were great. Nice energy and fun songs.. I definitely look forward to seeing them again.
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