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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Remember when Split Open And Melt not only didnt suck but actually scared the pants off of you?
  2. Probably fairly close to what we are all thinking as Hab fans.
  3. That's more disappointing than the Markov confirmation. None the less, Our Glorious now have some MAJOR wiggle room. It's kinda shocking to think about. I can only hope Pierre Gauthier doenst do anything too rash, although I am confident they have known for some time they would be able to put Markov on LTIR. Everything seems to be going fine with Les Brahs thus far. Dont fix what aint broke unless a wicked deal comes along that you cant pass up.
  4. Booche

    Xmas CD's

    The Barr Bros put one out a couple of few years ago? My brother played it at my place, or his, one year and then I put on a punk mix of Xmas songs (everyone hated it) that I lost along the way but still want to find.
  5. One thing is obvious in this thread: Velvet should be a financial advisor to hippies.
  6. God bless and may the Force be with you.
  7. Please. As if Katy Perry isnt influential. I'm completely devasted she got married.
  8. You know what really grinds my gears? Most folks on this site have lost their music spirit. This has come about from the ripple effect caused by the ease of downloading albums/songs, not too mention 99.9% of it is done for free and alot of that is piss poor sound that no one seems to even notice or care while they listen to it on their cheap laptop speakers that they got for 25 bucks. Why would a band pour their heart and soul into creating art if it is simply going to be downloaded 30 seconds after release and then complained about 5 minutes later on the internets? The collective unconscious has been stripped of an unseen beauty that our world used to not only provide but actively engage in. No one cares anymore because its all free and easy. Why work hard for anything for that matter? The erosion of musical art continues and the electromagnetic tsunami created by it hasnt come close to reaching our shores. And that is what really grinds my gears.
  9. I fail to see how firing Ron Wilson is going to do anything positive with that roster. Brian Burke has assmbled a bad team. How can anyone expect them to compete when they dont have any centers? And that doesnt even begin to look at the problems on the wing. It's a poor collection of players, plain and simple. Did any of you really think Clarke Macarther was going to keep up his early pace? The fingers are entirely pointed at Brian Burke and should he fire Ron Wilson the only thing he will be doing is buying himself some much needed vacation away from the blame.
  10. Hey Dinghy, perhaps the Sens would have had a better outcome if they started Pascal Leclaire.
  11. Not clicking with linemates is a far cry from someone looking disinterested and not trying.
  12. I like it and I would consider going a step further by putting Cammalleri beside him.
  13. I heard they are going to rename the city Tedrogers.
  14. I am still laughing at this anecdote I received in an email yesterday. Lunch room quip: Sens fan #1: "Heatley is going to get booed like no one has ever been booed at Scotibank Place before." Sens fan #2: "Well, except for Alfredsson when the Leafs are in town."
  15. That may not be the best way for the gnome to make his point but I am going to assume you understand that players play differently in front of particular goalies, coaching strategies notwithstanding. Are you really that sure the Sens would have still beaten the Leafs, insert another shutout reminder, the other night if Leclaire started and then carried that win into another one last night? Do you really think the coaching staff is so blind that they are missing Leclaire is finally going to turn his career around this time if they give him the chance? Just asking is all.
  16. People wash them? Each one of MrBigTime's jerseys smell like cheap perfume worn by MTL's finest.
  17. This Sens team is making me believe Ollie is actually on the team.
  18. "Why do movie celebs think that they can be in a band?" Give me a thousand more failures for just one more of these:
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