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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Oh man, Dinghy aint got nothing on Melnyck. That guy is a moron.
  2. Don Brennan finally writes a worthy column.
  3. Pirate Bay appeal falls on deaf ears.
  4. I have Bob Loblaw's album Monkey Do on my hard drive. I downloaded it without paying for it. Are they still putting out music for us? Are they?
  5. Just.Fucking.Try.And.Think.Beyond.The.Realm.Of.Your.Meager.Little.Bubble.World. [color:purple]Obviously artists must make albums for free and then they give them away. If people didnt pay for music you could kiss the majority of it goodbye. Would you work for Transport if they didnt pay you? In the end, are you just whining because the next iPhone is going to cost you a little extra? Ooooh, look at that. People pay for them. Hmmmmm.
  6. bouche, do you honestly believe you would have been introduced to someone like Ryan Adam's music if people didnt pay for it in the early years of his career?
  7. Oh, he definitely has Lalime as his 2nd starting goalie. In a keeper league no less!
  8. I am assuming she paid for it so that gives bouche the right to burn it from her for free and then he can host it for the rest of us to grab off the internets because from what I gather, that aint stealing.
  9. I see the buzz on the DBM hasnt worn off yet. This thread is all the confirmation I need. I am going to get one this weekend. It has been months upon months and I am going to take a picture of me making love to it.
  10. Opposition leader Olive Crane introduced the private member's bill earlier this week. It would remove Canada's last restrictions on Sunday shopping. Currently on the Island, stores must close Sundays between Christmas Day and Victoria Day. The bill passed second reading Thursday. Following an appearance on CBC Television's Compass Monday, Crane slipped on the television set, injuring her ankle and wrist. Transportation Minister Ron MacKinley brought up the incident during the debate on the bill Thursday. "I'm not what you call a saint, but I believe in God and I believe in [doing] the best I can do. You were at CBC pushing Sunday shopping, were you not? On TV?" he asked Crane. "Right after that interview what happened?" "We had a bit of an accident," Crane responded. "Does that not tell you something?" said MacKinley. "Like what?" said Crane. "Like the Lord works in mysterious ways, and maybe you should start worrying what's going on here? We are going all the time, we're getting farther and farther away, whether it's prayers in the schools or whatever it is," said MacKinley.
  11. I totally agree NorthernWish and with no small thanks to your recommendation. It was heartwarming logging on and seeing said quote all over the place.
  12. Justifying the reasons behind not paying for music is simply robbing from yourself.
  13. If it wasnt, it sure did work.
  14. Last weekend bump for Keri and his boys. Nice amount you got going.
  15. A happy Sunday is never going to be the same again. I am so sorry Brian and beyond shocked. Surround yourself with the love of your friends. Everyone has to make sure to continue to laugh because if you dont, you will have to answer to Julia later.
  16. ^^^^^^^^ Points at the guy who requires purple.......unless that person is me.
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2010/11/24/pei-f-no-stopping-tim-hortons-584.html
  18. Chris Neil is signed at 2 million a year up to the 2013-2014 season. The only haters are Sens fans with common sense. Pretty hard to phone it in game after game and get 1000 points in the NHL. At least the fans gave him the ovation he deserved for that milestone.
  19. Honestly, of all the downloading I have done over these years this will always be one of my favorites. The performances are so stunningly heartfelt at times, so much so that the Mavericks performance might be my favorite of the fucking lot! Wilco is not even mentioned in that bio and Ryan Adams was in Whiskeytown who were joined by Emmylou on the first number which was Grievous Angel. Perfect. Gillian Welch/David Rawlings and Hickory Wind? Pfffft. Forget about it.
  20. Booche

    NFL 2010

    This took way longer than I expected.
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