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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Have it at the Elmdale. Problem solved.
  2. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Raiders - Chiefs is fantastic. I cant believe Oakland just tied it up.
  3. 4am back at the hotel and I havent seen MrBigTime since midnight. Let the record show Little Deuce is 100 percent fine. He is sleeping like a baby in the bed beside me.
  4. MrBigTime and I did the Bell Center/Habs Hall Of Fame tour today with the habsinsideoutcrew. Holy fuck boys. What a bunch of nerds. Some thought they were hilarious with the terrible one-liners delivered from time to time. Good God. It was what I would imagine a Low Roller Convention would be like. Good stuff though. Watched the morning skate which was fun and obviously optional. PK and Price hamming it up with Price taking slapshots with his goalie stick while PK made two saves in a row with the shaft of his stick while lying down on the ice. TWO IN A ROW! Nutty. Pleks was drilling one timers from Darche. Fucking mindboggling. Pat Brennan once told me how insanely good a morning skate and he was right. The talent on display is beyond words. Switching gears, we ran into the kids who are the Hamilton Bulldogs. Both of us were shocked at the lack of size. And yes, these are definitely kids. I definitely recommend this tour for Habs fans though. The press box portion alone is worth it, from my perspective anyways. Hahaha, I just remembered hearing some of the HIO crew talking about MikeBoone like he is a God of somewhat. No joke.
  5. Only if you want it to continue to kill this website.
  6. Easy Wind today I guessed 04-24-1970
  7. Have a good one you giggling freakshow.
  8. Imagine if they counted the empty nets Gionta is missing.
  9. Are you really asking us if you think you came out on top in this trade? Jesus man. Get your shit together.
  10. 27 minutes? I gotta start playing these straight through, or at least more than 1 minute before I make my guess. I'm definitely out.
  11. I've dedicated my face to the memory of Jaimoe's father. I havent set up anything for donations yet so if Backbacon doesnt mind, please give to The Cookie Duster Collective. I plan to do the same in the coming weeks.
  12. I once read that this guy was a diehard so lets assume he is smiling somewhere.
  13. I guessed 06-07-68 This is going to be facking fun Esau, thanks for bringing it to the board's attention.
  14. Hey NorthernWish, the last person who should be making fun of another person's predictions is Bash'it was on the internets!'er.
  15. Basher has lost some weight since I last saw him.
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