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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Evil Al is going to be all over Moss if he becomes a free agent.
  2. I never understood the meaning of the word 'meh' until I listened to last night's album cover.
  3. Someone should tell Schwa to jump off a bridge.
  4. Dont bother with any of those other ones Schwa. This is the one if he streams it http://www.ustream.tv/channel/taper420 I have yet to see a password.
  5. Booche

    NFL 2010

    A recommitment to excellence is going on in Oakland! It's been a looooooooong time since I felt this good watching them. Hahahaha. Bills suck. Congrats to thsoe Buffalo fans.
  6. The Zep stuff inside Tweezer sounded rough at times but definitely must have been a fucking blast if you were in there. I would have been slapping mad highfives. All I know for sure is Treigh has dropped most of that whale bullshit which automatically improved the band's sound a thousand fold as far as I am concerned. Thank fucking God. Fun little Bowie. Show Of Life or Set Killer?
  7. You may have also just heard it inside Possum if you were listening.
  8. I cant believe how good the taper420 stream sounds.
  9. That is fuckingawesome Kev.
  10. Troy Planetarium has lost his ability to improvise and listen. Fact. I miss Trey, alot. Also a fact.
  11. 200 a week, room and board. You keep this forum moving and you provide day care during the work week. On weekends you get thefuckout.
  12. Sadly, this place needs a healthy shot of Low Roller. I miss that masochistic fuckface.
  13. Do not Sanctuary this forum. Its pretty much the only message board I can tolerate. It's the peak season of sport and nothing is really happening. Where did everybody go? Its obvious Liverpool fans are fairweather fuckers but come on people. I thought we were better than this. My gears might grind at this rate and not in a humorous manner. It's starting to die in here people and while I should blame each one of us, it's probably best to single out one person because that is what we do best around here.
  14. True. But consider Pizza Pizza is only in Canada. "Pizza! Pizza!" is the slogan for Little Caesars.
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