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Everything posted by Booche

  1. There's always a plus. Les Brahs hadnt signed Markov to that rumoured longterm extension.
  2. omg, that's unbearable.....no pun intended.....
  3. I certainly didnt tonight my friend.
  4. Just read this on Facebook: I should get a commision for breaking down the 4th wall.
  5. I am doing everything in my power not to read into those numbers too much but I did like Obyrne and often wondered why he didnt seem to get more of a shot. Yes yes yes, I know. Bonehead penalties from time to time but its not like Spacek or the Hammer dont go to the box seemingly every game for a 'rookiesque' mistake and dont even get me started about Komisarek when he was on the Habs.
  6. They are going to "jack martin" the fuck out of him.
  7. Really? Showing 'tweets' onair is "breaking down the 4th wall" ? Please explain.
  8. [nojinx]Carey Price has been looking wicked thus far. HABSMVP wicked at this point. I would not have guessed that. God bless.[/nojinx]
  9. I brought the wrong bint based on those pics. I spent a good chunk at the end of the formal night in the bathroom of my hotel room smoking copious amounts of weed and thinking I was hiding it from my date. "Hey baby, you got enough ::coughcough:: champagne? ::coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough:: I'll be out in a minute::cough::" Hey DB2.0 or Jaimoe, dont bother asking which date because I am absolutely unsure. Actually, it was probably both chicks in back to back years so Vegas would pay a good parlay on that one.
  10. NHL to OK personal endorsement jersey patches In a somewhat surprising move, the NHL seems set to allow product-placement advertising on player's jerseys. Endorsement patches will be limited to 2.25 by 3.25 inches in size, and must be placed on the left breast of the jersey, just below the shoulder line. In circumstances where a player already wears a captain or assistant letter in that location, the sponsorship logo will be allowed to be sewn on the right breast. What's interesting about the deal is that the sponsorships will be player specific. Just as a player can be endorsed off-ice by an advertising partner, NHL athletes will now be allowed to bring those sponsorships into game action. Worried about high salaries forcing some players out of the NHL, the NHLPA has been looking into creative ways for members to supplement their income while still allowing their contracts to work in a salary cap era where many teams often spend to the cap limit. However, some opponents to the idea cite the runaway logo-ing of the uniforms of other leagues as a reason to keep the patches off of NHL jerseys. "It could be a slippery slope. Where would it stop?" asks a Jason Moore, who runs a web site dedicated to the history of NHL jerseys. "Since before the NHL was even around, the uniforms have been advertising free, save for the manufacturer logo. What's next? Mark Recchi pimping Viagara? Or a Summer's Eve logo on Chris Pronger's jersey?" "We didn't want to go completely down the road of soccer or NASCAR and have our players look like skating billboards," said NHL commissioner Gary Bettman. "We'll leave that for the rink boards and the European leagues. We think that this strikes a nice balance." "I think that this is a great idea," said Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas, the first player that will wear a patch on his jersey during regular league play. "My agent has been working on a deal with KFC for a while now, and we think that this partnership is a great fit. They get the extra exposure for their brand, and in addition to a boatload of cash I get a lifetime supply of Double Downs. With the recent shrinking of the goalie equipment, I need every advantage I can get. In fact, I've been pounding them back since August in the hopes of getting the jump on my competition. So far, other than a mild tingling in my left arm it seems to have worked well." Soon to be outfitted include Alex Ovechkin (Colgate), Sidney Crosby (Pampers), Daniel and Henrik Sedin (2 for 1 Pizza), Dion Phaneuf (Calloway), Jason Spezza (Hooked On Phonics) and Carey Price (Coca Cola).
  11. Internet losers complain that Jacques Martin has killed Bournival's development in 3.....2........1.........
  12. I would have presented the death of Go Wings Go buuuuuut.....
  13. Ladies and gentlemen, I present before you the death of Go Sens Go. And who the fuck gives a flying fuck about the three stars? Especially now that the fans select them?
  14. Didnt you go back to the hotel and pass out before nero even took the stage? Maybe if you came for something other than a nero gig in January you would actually see said gig. Hmmmm....looky looky......
  15. Hahaha, he might as well just posted this:
  16. Yes, you struck up a conversation about Dustin Boyd being sent to the minors but having to clear waivers first and I applaud you because people are actually posting. Just look at all the action today. Baby Sens and Bulldogs are playing in Ottawa...... some Habs fan won money playing poker and wants to buy season's tickets...... To me it's clear as day. Throwing poop at one another is better than this shit:
  17. It's as if you have never been here before.
  18. You didnt answer the question but it doesnt matter because I know as I am sure so does the rest of Rich Stadium.
  19. You are shocked he is being demoted to your precious Bulldogs? Or do you even know what getting "waived" means? As most days are concerned, I dont understand what you are getting at.
  20. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I could see this happening to the Bills.....via the same team..........
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