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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    NFL 2010

    What's wrong with you? The Donkeys looked Sens2010 horrible. Total domination in all aspects of the game that I watched. McFadden looked like his original pre-pro career billing and much much more.
  2. ....this lead into the YEM vocal jam has been outstanding..............
  3. Mike typically kills Meat as well but I feel the same way about Meatsick. not.verygood.songs.
  4. Yessir. Saturday night couchterr for this guy. No sooner do I say that and Trey starts the Whale in the middle of this Tweezer jam. I blame me.
  5. When I clicked the thread title I was sure the first post was going to read: You are all fucking losers.
  6. I would have sooner watched the EPL last night. Holy fack, that was awful.
  7. Booche

    NFL 2010

    If that is his position, why even bother playing the game in the first place? Fold the league.
  8. Move to Ottawa and watch every game.
  9. Or isnt that Jaimoe posing with Luke Perry in the first picture?
  10. Is that any way to talk about your ex-girlfriends?
  11. That's not what my casserole dish said.
  12. Bite yourfucking tongue. Have you seen the Habs powerplay this season?
  13. I thought it was a great show and loved how he dedicated the whole show to Wally High + told a couple of stories involving him. I hardly knew any of the material but I absolutely am in love with 2 new songs to my world. Goodbye and Billy Austin
  14. You actually think Burke popped out of his seat, Murray just happens to be standing idly by away from the Sens table and Burke tells him out of the blue he is taking Kadri? And this is the first they have spoke of it? Oooooookaaaaay..........have fun with all of that. [color:purple]You arent biased here at all.
  15. Clearly, I mean CLEARLY they had been talking deal before this moment. Burke was hoping to trade with Murray and still be able to draft Kadri a few picks later. Either way, it was a "fuuuuuuuck you" caught on camera. I've never understood why Murray told Burke he would take Kadri if they dealt. Pure idiocy. Maybe there is some kind of 'code' amongst GM's in this situation but that just seems stupid to me but I aint no GM.
  16. "Hey Murray, do you still want Kadri?" "Yeah, I'll flip you........" ::cuts Murray off:: "Get out of my face you fucking loser." Yup. Still hilarious.
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