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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I admitted my own bias youfuckingfruitcake. But yes, it is almost just as bad.
  2. I enjoyed this read. Thanks for the link DaveO.
  3. And they never will if you dont keep trying. At least this year has provided a huge buzz. Sportswriters who havent given a shit about hockey in a long time are getting back into it. That's a big start.
  4. The NBC overlords you say? Come on. This is clearly about the NHL owners and additional revenue. Everyone knows the Canadian audience is going to tune in no matter if the finals start on a Tuesday or 4 days later. It would be stupid of the NHL to sit back and not try to expand in their much needed market if they want the sport to survive as it is in the long term. What are you studying again Low Roller?
  5. Does Pierre McGuire like to use the adjective "MONSTER" ?
  6. Booche


    Thanks Toddles. Your logs are the bomb.
  7. If Detroit wins tonight the finals start this Saturday. I swear..........dont get me going you fuckfaces.
  8. Thanks for giving all my points on the matter more solid footing Yours Truly.
  9. For those wondering, this is exactly who Dima looks like:
  10. I have learned one thing in all of this. The NHL should move the Yotes to Ctowns' place.
  11. Hahahahaha, ok. I have my "conspiracy" hat on so I was guessing your answer may have something to do with Eugene Melnyck or something.
  12. I accept and would also like to offer my apologies Schwa, with regards to the prior thread. It is very hard for me not to read into some kind of agenda (I'll do my best not to from here on out) on your part especially when you bring up the Bilderberg gatherings. They bring out the fury of conspiracy theorists. Just because one doesnt hear about a meeting between individuals it is automatically deemed there was a negative connotation? I am not saying there is or isnt but consider me an individual who would prefer the leaders of their respective fields (science, mathematics, politics, whatever) get together from time to time to discuss matters they see fit. And I completely agree with Ollie. There has to be some kind of starting point. I love a good question but I like a valid one even more.
  13. Where do you see me angry above Schwa......where..... If you were paying attention, you would have noticed I was commenting on Yours Truly`s post. Hamilton`s link is precisely the kind of points I was inarticulatingly getting at the other day in the other thread, as were others. It's against the law for these individuals to get together? And because their think-tank meetings arent made public it is automatically against the law? There begins the definition of Hamilton's post! Frank McKenna has been there and not as a public servant. Does that mean we are obligated to hear about his tete-a-tetes with Bill Clinton?
  14. Yeah, I agree with Jaimoe. Good move by the Oil. Tom Renney too. I gotta find out what the following refers to. Please elaborate.
  15. $50 says Schwa is doing the flappity-flap to Hal's post.
  16. Someone film this lad and post the results here. Pronto.
  17. I hope those 2 Sens jackasses above send in resumes. You guys would call strikeouts on a player looking in T-ball games.
  18. Booche

    Star Trek.

    Jokes on me. This lasted 2 weeks at the Silver City IMAX here in Ottawa. I just checked the listings. They are now showing Night At The Museum. DaveyBoy and I were going to go on Thursday........tabarnac. Looks like it is a cheap Tuesday for me at South Keys. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  19. All you know-it-all-arseholes who belittle Pierre McGuire are automatically obligated to submit a resume.
  20. That's the most McCarthyismistic post I have seen on this board yet. [color:purple]Congratulations free thinker.
  21. MoMack makes Dinghy and Ollie's Sensdom look completely sane.
  22. Hahahahahaha, my week is officially made. Great stuff NR.
  23. Yes, this is quite sad. Far too young.
  24. Booche

    Foie Gras

    Ignorance is bliss.
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