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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Sure you arent talking about every recent Phish tour, Bubba? I heard that Trey Bobby and Phil used the following to mimic the drummers whenever they got together to practice
  2. That would be Crimes Of The Mind Left Body Jam to you, Bubba.
  3. Gotta love the 'haven't listened to GD-related bands or music in over a decade but I am going to give it my all over the next few shows because its the Treyful Dead" crowd and then watch them bitch about band members who are in their 70's for not being on par with being in the spotlight as much as they think they should be even though they don't regularly tour or play. Well done, super-Phanz. ::waitsforthedefensivefuckwadtoremindeveryonethatBobWeirisonly67:: Having said all that, how are the shows? I was deep in the bush all weekend while 2 sheets to the wave to the wind. I hope Punch You In The Eyes Of The World was good! By the way, is that above Bucket Youtube supposed to showcase Trey and shut the naysayers up or is it supposed to give them fuel for their fire? Someone please tell me because I cant figure it out on my own.
  4. A long time ago only who knows when..............
  5. Booche

    For Star Wars fans

    If I decide to make the jump tp the PS4, this is why
  6. OMG, this is sooooooooooooo good............................
  7. Booche


    Looks like the Punisher is coming in season 2 - I'm already psyched!!!!
  8. Booche

    For Star Wars fans

    [post=http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/original-star-wars-script-discovered-in-unb-library-1.3104206]Original script found in UNB Library shows that Han shot first.
  9. Booche

    Epic Covers

    Wow. There are a few incredible Dead covers up above. Watch them all and see what you like.
  10. Booche

    Puff Jam?

    (looking forward to the inevitable DaveyBoy GIF)
  11. This is outstanding. Built To Spill. Awesome.
  12. Booche


    Finished season one yesterday. Fantastic stuff. Great arc in the first year and I am really enjoying how they are building the main characters. I am completely unfamiliar with this superhero so possibly there may be complaints from those in the know but not me. Gotta be way more to that old Asian woman I figure and Wilson Fisk is already one of my favorite villains I have ever seen in a tv series (holding off on spoilers for those who might not already know). Really enjoyed his character and he was my favorite part of the show. Also love the Hannibal Lector character and how he is portrayed on the tele but that's literally another story for another time. Hitting the Flash next. Heard really positive things.
  13. I'm with LR. Slip-forum thatshit.
  14. Once again, if this world didnt have Schwa we'ld all be rightfucked. Shit'ld be falling down all over the place. Looks great Mark!!!!
  15. Anything Russo is always good as far as I have ever learned. He's tempo plus.
  16. "I'm going to go with a yes - if all else fails break a pool cue up in to three and have at it! " It would be Sackville all over again DB2.0!!!! Now if we could only procure some Californiasunshine.................
  17. Never getting a bag of those again but I will be getting more of these #gamechanger
  18. Actually, I think it's Sparrow from Bongs 'N' More Bongs.
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