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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Holy sheepshit. This place looks like it is the bomb. http://www.wildwingrestaurants.com/
  2. Cito will be managing in 2009.
  3. No one gets his comments about anything.
  4. Believe me when I say House Of Cards took me by complete surprise, so I can understand your perspective.
  5. The shows I have been at.
  6. Not really. I found it to be the weakest out of the shows I have seen.
  7. You know you are bad when........... The Dolphins want Chad Pennington.
  8. Oh wait a second here..........I just noticed this: I am now perplexed.
  9. "For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself........." Hearing thousands of people singing that was totally rad. Our crew was soaked to the bone (especially our crew inside of the larger crew). Most show reports suggested the band started around 9 finishing around 11. For whatever reason, me basically, we got there damn early at 6pm. Ticket time suggest 7. Too many beers and a torrential downpour destroyed the logical section of my brain and I couldnt understand why Radiohead had moved their drums and bass to the side when the music started. I also couldnt figure out what the new song was and why they sounded so different. "Why the hell is Thom singing like that? Is it even him?" Ooooooooooh yeah. That aint Radiohead. But I did enjoy them. Blah blah blah, too many beers and then showtime. That left me even more confused come the firework display. At first I was sure Radiohead were doing that but as AD said above, it went on far too long and was far too loud to be the band's decision. As always, I loved seeing Radiohead live again. My personal highlight had to be House Of Cards. That was gorgeous. After watching many of these songs for the first time back in 2006, it was truly inspiring to hear how much they have grown in the 2 years since but you can include me in the group of folks that arent sold on Bangers N Mash. I'm sure I would feel the same way if that plate were in front of me. Great time, great friends to hang out with and get sloppy in more ways than one. We made a dart for the Metro once the end part of EIIRP started going which I am going to assume was a very wise decsion. 35,000 people were at that concert and I am sure the bulk travelled the same way we did. Oh and that fucking light show is goddamn gorgeous. One of the best presentations these eyes have ever witnessed at a concert. I got a couple of decent pics that I will upload later.
  10. Sarah Silverman: I happen to know Andy Dick is not gay; he just asked out Katie Holmes.
  11. You're report was far better than the non-one Ollie provided us. I love the orgasmic walk-off homer portion.
  12. Survey says...............wrong. Too much of a gamble from my perspective. A much better signing is the Radim Vrbata one by Tampa.
  13. I cant think of too many people here who would like a used ass pole.
  14. Hahahaa. He had some CLASSIC lines. "They've got a really deep lineup and their 4 lines are very strong."
  15. They're fuckingterrible but hopefully will entertain me somewhat this season. Check this out. We may have have the 4 worst NFL fans in the house this past Saturday night. Chiefs 49'ers Dolphins Raiders
  16. Get a room. If I see any boring soccer matches on your tele outside of the Liverpool game (it is your bday afterall), I am going to Elvis the damn thing. Hey Yours Truly. You should PM DaveyBoy about this!
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