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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. 24 of you are weak.
  2. Anyone partying in Toronto tonight? LETS DO IT!!!!!
  3. the huge kick ass corn in Chatham anyway.
  4. weekend party confirmed, pm for details.
  5. Thanks for sharing this, looks like you had an unbelievable time.
  6. The party goes all weekend...
  7. maybe I will have a party then.
  8. c-towns


    Theres a park in the middle of 17th ave SW (the heart of the "red mile" or bar scene ave.) 17th Ave, between 8th and 6th street maybe.
  9. I had my hair cut like the bassist in grade 6. I guess the trend finally made it out west.
  10. Thats a bit hypocritical for someone who works for much music don't you think?
  11. what other band are you in p.p.? I've got Bonfire on my mind....
  12. c-towns


    ice cold kokanee in a can for me. high life if i'm shot-gunning.
  13. You're an art teacher, it would be artistic.
  14. My birthday and father's day on the same weekend? Although its like a birthday near christmas, I'll always cherish it. (I was actually born on fathers day[best son ever]) Between the cougars on friday and the barely legals on Saturday, I'd say my birthday was a success in all facets, huzzah to the shopkeep. Thanks crackers. c-towns out.
  15. I do enjoy the starlight, rum and schwa's couch. We'll keep it our own dirty little secret though.
  16. Looks like George is in contract negotiations in that trish photo.
  17. The reds are cool in my books, but only because they have the same logo as the chatham travel teams.
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