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Jay Funk Dawg

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Everything posted by Jay Funk Dawg

  1. [blurb] [/blurb] CKLN 88.1fm, Long & Mcquade Instruments and The HotBox Cafe present The irieBand Fire Benefit Saturday September 22nd, 2007 Cervejaria DownTown Bar & Grill 842 College St. at Ossington Cover: $10 Dinner reservations and info: 416-588-0162 On Tuesday, July 31, while travelling to the Evolve Festival, the NuFunk van caught on fire and the Irie Band lost all our their instruments. Listen to radio commercial for this show here: www.myspace.com/iriebandtoronto or www.irieband.ca We are currently looking for support from our community in order to turn a disaster into a miracle. On our way out east touring our van caught fire and we lost everything, except our lives! We were just outside riviere du loup when the engine over-heated, oil caught fire and the van was engulfed in flames. We are holding a benefit to recoup our losses. We hope to see you there!
  2. Just a quickie reminder about tomorrow's screening of Fritz Lang's 1927 epic film, "Metropolis", the feature presentation in Best Buy's "City Cinema" - Futuristic Flicks summer series. It seems we are blessed with clear skies for Tuesday night's performance at Yonge and Dundas Square in Toronto. The performance features a nearly 2 hour music score created by Eccodek's Andrew McPherson and Deliveryboy, specially for this event. We will be performing entirely live and in full view of the audience. (no men behind the curtain here!!) Come hear this intoxicating brew of downtempo beats, otherworldly atmospherics, jazz and classically influenced melodies and seriously trippy vibes. It's all free and starts at 9 p.m., with seating provided. Attendance for the film series has been in the neighbourhood of 800--1,000 people so don't dilly dally or you could be sitting on a subway grate. Word is there's no popcorn. Bummer. Hope to see you all there. And if you're interested, check Monday's Toronto Star for the feature on the performance tomorrow. http://www.thestar.com/article/250094 --- http://www.myspace.com/eccodek http://www.myspace.com/bringmedeliveryboy http://www.andrewmcpherson.ca/
  3. nice one - good to see you here again Marky !
  4. did anyone find out if it was a instru-"mental" show?
  5. thanks for your input edger! Truths n Rights are still around - you don't hear much from them of late - they did win Reggae Album of the year Juno just last year. MC Friendlyness, their vocalist, is a total Toronto born white man - but with his dreads and irie vibe you'd be hard-pressed not to think he's an authentic reggae artist - his group Superheavy Reggae are the top DJ Selectas in the city... and his band is full on jamaican. I agree with what you are saying that the patois is kind of essential part of the vibe - and that reggae is very much a form of expression - and whether you are black or not - as long as you are playing the music with some semblance of authenticity & respect of the style's history then race should not be a factor. ramble on! check out some gisto tunes here: www.myspace.com/gistowassabi also check out one of my favorite 'white' reggae stars - Collie Budz www.myspace.com/colliebuddz
  6. damn I'm kicking myself now for not seeing them!!
  7. I hear ya on... ... I don't feel that way myself about Gisto's singing - I guess I am defending him because he gave me a CD of his demo work upon his last visit and I think it's some of the best reggae I have heard lately - the music and lyrics resonated with me more than a lot of other music that was put out this year. From what I know of Gisto - he's been playing reggae for 10 years or more - starting with his first band Kangaroo in London Ontario. He's played with genuine Jamaican players coast to coast. Aside from all that I think he's a great guitar player - he doesn't really sound like anyone else imo. by the way thanks for posting this review - I really wanted to go - I was out at Shambhala the weekend before and I was very dissapointed I could n't stay out west for longer. lol!!you didn't say much about the crowd - was there a big turn out for this ? I'd imagine that there should be 800 + people out for this line up.
  8. I think you are a bit harsh on Wassabi Collective - I've been playing reggae for a couple of years and I've heard countless reggae singers and to be honest there are very few who have the song-writing ability as Gisto has shown in his own project and in Wassabi Collective. That being said - in Toronto there are countless MCs who are full on Canadian but speak in a Jamaican patois - I don't think that Gisto lays it on as thick as does some of these Toronto Guys - i think that in todays society you can be whoever you want - and that people are influenced by all types of culture s.
  9. it's been awhile.. but I'm listening to The Jimmy Swift Band's latest - "Weight of the World"
  10. sounds great - Wassabi tours again in September!
  11. Thanks for posting this Dave!! check out more photos: I love Evolve Group on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2217326987
  12. Bri - looks like you are rippin' it up - man I really like the look of your guitar!! Gotta come check you guys out someday.
  13. I smoke recreationally, but I don't consider myself a pot head - that term makes me think of some Stoner movie stereotype - I'm no Chong!
  14. elastocitizens are really great.. i hope some skanks can make it.. these make it funky parties are really off the hook...
  15. watch out funk fanatics!! This show got best bets in Eye Mag this weekend.
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