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Everything posted by Freeker

  1. The real question is. Who would win in a fight between a Terradactyl and a bear...with the strength of two bears? discuss.
  2. Is Sloco playing Ottawa? Thought I saw a poster at nero but Maverick's website is down right now and there is nothing on XPress website. Bradm respond!
  3. Thanks for all the birthday cheer folks!! Sorry its taken me two days to get to responding but its just been that good of a birthday. It was awesome to see everyone this weekend and I hope to see even more people next weekend. Thanks again.
  4. I would love an invite to either Waffles or ST. ts.turner@gmail.com Thanks
  5. Well that's my home town for ya. Before I even opened this thread I knew it had to be Wolfville. They've been leading the charge in the no smoking war since day one but what can you expect from Canada's only fair trade town. Fucking pretentious assholes, keep your laws off my body!
  6. Freeker

    44 Main fire

    Thats fucking terrible. I hope Devon and Ingrid are ok (Jermey just moved out). First the house on one side collapses into 40 Main then the house on the other side catches fire. What the fuck is going on?
  8. http://machinist.salon.com/blog/2007/11/08/aqua_dots/
  9. J.J. Abrams picketed alongside the producers of LOST. Reportedly, Tim Kring wouldn't comply with a weekend rewrite that would tack a season ending onto the last script written and is now off HEROES. Dear god no...
  10. I love the money I hate the soul crushing endless time suck that is my day to day life. KILL ME NOW.
  11. The Shins - Wincing the Night Away Modest Mouse- We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank Okkervil River - The Stage Names (My least fav Okkervil album to date but still amazing) Stars – In Our Bedroom After The War The National - Boxer Ween - Lacucaracha Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga The Besnard Lakes Are the Dark Horse
  12. http://quigs.blogspot.com/2007/10/6-best-bruce-campbell-movies-youll.html
  13. Stick that calender up your ass Bradley I've been on vacation.
  14. I vote to rename the band "Shux" (pronounced shucks)
  15. Well this is a nice surprise. Thanks for the heads up Pete.
  16. Jaybone you were missed this weekend. Hope to see you soon.
  17. This Must be the Place (Naive Melody) Talking Heads Home is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round I feel numb - born with a weak heart I guess I must be having fun The less we say about it the better Make it up as we go along Feet on the ground Head in the sky It's ok I know nothing's wrong . . nothing Hi yo I got plenty of time Hi yo you got light in your eyes And you're standing here beside me I love the passing of time Never for money Always for love Cover up and say goodnight . . . say goodnight Home - is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there I come home - she lifted up her wings Guess that this must be the place I can't tell one from another Did I find you, or you find me? There was a time Before we were born If someone asks, this is where I'll be . . . where I'll be Hi yo We drift in and out Hi yo sing into my mouth Out of all those kinds of people You got a face with a view I'm just an animal looking for a home Share the same space for a minute or two And you love me till my heart stops Love me till I'm dead Eyes that light up, eyes look through you Cover up the blank spots Hit me on the head Ah ooh Thanks to everyone that helped us move over the last two weeks, thanks to all the great roomates both official and unoficial especially Dave and Steve. Thanks to everyone who has ever stopped by and had a good time for 48 (or more) hours at a time. This is truly the end of an era and I am going to miss 4O Main, probably more than most. I've literally donated blood, sweat and tears into making it more than just a venue, more than just a crashpad. It was my home and I loved it, it was hard as hell to shut the lights off and walk away last night but we ended it in style and the party on Saturday was perfect way for everyone to say goodbye. Thank you 4O Main!
  18. For the love of god help me out. I got Primus and I love it but my problem is I'm moving and Primus can't move, so they need me to have my shit switched back to Bell so they can move me then cancel and with them and go back to Primus. But Bell requires 55 bucks for that and a 2 year contract that is broken if i go back to Primus. My other problem is I don't want a home phone just my cell but I can't have interent without a home phone without renting something called a dry loop which is about the same price as having a home phone. Rogers is an option but I fucking hate Rogers. I want to know is do Rogers and Bell still throttle their downloads? What about there super fast exterme packages that are 8mb are they still throttling those too? neither provider could answer these question Basically I want no home phone, cable and non throttled internet for 80 bucks or less. Can it happen?
  19. Just waiting for my lardlord to respond. Still no word. I'm going to convice him to put it in the back yard and not on the curb, so it should be safe until you can get wheels.
  20. I remember that day like it was yesterday. What a beautiful ceremony it was filled with love and joy. I can still see clearly in my mind Steph walking doen the aisle as Scottie waited nervously. I was thrilled to be chosen Best man and Maid of honor, and preformed my duties dilligently. My what a day it was, the memory will be with me always. LOL I think I was drunk at home wacking off that day actually. The pics were cool though. Congrats Guys!!
  21. So ends my 5 year streak too...sigh Fuck you all and have a good time.
  22. Sexy never left http://www.mininova.org/
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