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Everything posted by Freeker

  1. I seem to recall something about acid and monkey killing.
  2. Don't get down hun. Remember you're a cornacopia of awesomeness. And with great cornacopia comes great responsibility. You are one of my favorite people in the world, never change. PS - Snorting hats are currently under development
  3. Ethanol is such a scam. It consumes more energy than it produces once you factor in the process of making it, and its filled with toxins. Ethanol is just another way for Washington to sling the pork around to places like the midwest to buy the votes of farmers
  4. Harper kills parents over dead cat
  5. Can I take the tix and scalp them for Yonder ?
  6. http://www.live365.com/index.live
  7. Ok we're hemoraging players bad, I may have to bail.
  8. Barrett I love you. overheardinnewyork.com is fucking hilarious. Goodbye productivity!
  9. I knew I could rely on you guys. Thanks.
  10. Lets have em. What sites do you need to freequent everyday to help kill away the day. So far I've exhausted Jambands, Fark, all my email addresses and watched 4 episodes of "The Office" on my Ipod and its only 3pm PS - My job really isn't that chill. But since I fucked up my hand they have me on "modified" which translates to "fuck the dog" so yeah I'm bored.
  11. No kidding if this shit keeps up I'm building an ark
  12. Spirit of the West + Handsome Furs makes for a great night of entertainment
  13. My favorite back stage story comes from Marc Charron. he was guitar tech for Manu Chau on the mainstage. 2nd song in Manu's guitar strap broke, so Marc grabs a guitar and runs out to him only to be shrugged off in a "Get the fuck off my stage" kinda way. So Marc leaves dejected in front of 25,000 people. Song ends Manu's manager grabs the guitar from Marc gives it to Manu and throws him the busted one. Marc tries to fix the strap but needs someone to hold the neck. So he says to the guy standing next to him offstage " you mind holding this" The guy complies and the guitar gets fixed, turns out the guy is Michael Franti. After the show Manu wouldn't talk to marc he was still pissed at him for coming on his stage. Great story. Favorite personal backstage story - Getting wicked high with my favorite percussionist from my favorite band. Oh and Kyla and I watching security hassle everyone backstage for their passes including the band while no one bugged us at all.
  14. I want in. Now all I need is some Gelaskins Hook me up B!!
  15. Thanks Brad, hopefully they can help.
  16. I'm looking to fix up this old painting I have, its got a couple tears and holes but other then that its fine. Is there any place in Ottawa i can take it to have it repaired/restored???
  17. What a good last day of Bluesfest. We saw HiLotrons, Watermelon Slim, King Sunshine Deadstring Brothers, Sam Roberts, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings. Ate almost every kind of food there was and got drunk as shit. A perfect way to say goodbye.
  18. I would have killed for that show in Ottawa. I love their cover of Jolene.
  19. Manu Chao was as boring as I thought it would be. But I've always hated Manu Chau so don't listen to me. The African band at the blacksheep was amazing, made up for not getting into see Luke Doucet. Mute Math on the River stage was probably the highlight of the day for me though, those guys kicked ass.
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER! Hope I can get out to Bela tonight and toast your awesomeness with you.
  21. In. We're taking my parents who are visiting for a couple days. So stay back you filthy animals
  22. I used my Bob Dylan ticket to get in. Not that I even had too, the two kids "working" the main entrance were too busy arguing to check tickets or bags. TWO BEER TENTS WTF!?!?!?!
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