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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. I've also seen disasterous examples of painted brick. However, there are several good examples of painted brick in my neighbourhood of Riverdale. I've also seen houses in need of painted brick because the brick itself looks terrible the way it is. But stucco almost always sucks.
  2. I know it's real brick. I like painted brick when it's done right, which is why I like what you've done. I'm also a big fan of attached and row houses. It's smart density.
  3. Look, anything they build in the destroyed area won't be as good as what it replaces - few new buildings can compare to old ones. But you can make the new buildings fit the design and vibe of an area without using too much imagination. This is not too much to ask is it. Not a question.
  4. My friend gets it for free and he didn't even know it. It's free for Rogers subscribers in Scarborough. HD subscribers get Leaf TV for free. If we didn't, there's no fucking way I'd pay for that fucking junk programming. I think I'd pay for Raptors TV however. It's one of the best specialty channels. The programming is great.
  5. You can build a sensibly priced classic styled building, but if you leave it totally in the hands of a developer without parametres and rules, then something cheap will be built. I hope the city really does try to make something good out of a bad situation. The whole reasaon why I see any hope in all of this was because of Adam Vaughan's comments regarding the area being listed and protected as a heritage block. I don't trust the motives and reasons behind constructing cheap and unimaginative buildings in dense and significant sections of any urban centre.
  6. Jaimoe


    What about eco-organic eating? The amount of genetic altering and pesticides used in non-organic fruits and vegetables is sickening.
  7. Leaf TV is included in most people's digital package. You mean you don't get the crappy channel?
  8. And another thing, Dublin was a shithole until the early 90's - parts still are. Now it is a cultural tourist hotspot and nationally significant.
  9. And I think the crux of the argument is that we don't have enough nationally significant buildings, so we have to save everything we can since they can become culturally and even nationally significant. Rediscovering both Old Quebec City and more recently Old Montreal has made Canada and especially Quebec stronger culturally and historically.
  10. Excellent work. I'm a fan of painted brick done tastefully, and the exterior looks really nice.
  11. I like that building, some people don't.
  12. I don't think we have a visionary with that kind of power. Too bad, but I reluctantly agree with you for now.
  13. Hey Davey Boy, do you know anything about that OCA building and why it was built? Just curious. The architect in question is famous for designing controversial colourful buildings like that one. At least it generates debate and thought, whether you like it or not. The one new Toronto building I hate is this underwhelming box, Jack Diamond designed new opera house:
  14. I really don't think it matters. I have no connection to Barrie, but a big part of their historic district was recently destoryed and it really bothered me. I know we as Canadians have identity issues. What happens when our past is continually paved over for condos?
  15. I love Queen Video too. I find there DVD's are in poor shape most of the time. Bay Street Video has the biggest selection and are almost as geeky as Suspect and moreso than Queen.
  16. One minor word nit: I think the word you wanted there is actually razed. Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] Thanks Brad. That's what I get after 4 hours of sleep.
  17. BTW, another store that was lost in the fire was the great Suspect Video. There's not a finer video store in the city, including Bay Street Video.
  18. Destroying a heritage building should be a criminal act, like it is in many parts of the world that actually embrace history. Altering is too grey for charges.
  19. Not at all. I love the MARS development at the corner of College and University in Toronto. Some altering works, but more times than not a hack developer promises to keep part of the heritage and all that is left is a small chunk of the facade. The outside of a building is one thing, but most are just as good in the inside. How great would you feel as a Canadian if Old City Hall was raized (like it almost was) in order to expand the Eaton Centre?
  20. Turn on CBC Newsworld. It's crazy. The U.S. embassy is under attack.
  21. The heritage act is relatively new and doesn't have a lot of teeth. Also, the OMB should be disbanded and cities should have the power to control what gets built and saved. There are few cities in this country that aren't threatened, heritage/history wise.
  22. I think developers should be held criminally responsible when they destroy or significantly alter old and historic buildings, like they are in England. And why couldn't a Wal-Mart, Shopper's or a Home Depot burn down instead of old buildings. If only to dream...
  23. As much as she sickens me, she looks pretty good as Marilyn. I hope she wasn't trying to be ironic given the significance of that particular photo shoot.
  24. Key things Vaughan said was that the entire block is a heritage site, not just a few buildings. Thus, he said that anything that is rebuilt has to comply with the heritage of the block. I hope to fucking god he's right. What we don't need is another Queen Street West, University to Spadina raise, destroy and build a gentrified piece of glass and steel.
  25. Adam Vaughan said that the block is designated as a heritage site, thus when new construction begins, it has to adhere to the zoning and heritage design of the area.
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