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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Screw all the other juicers, get yourself the Juice Weasel
  2. Generally, movies that go straight-to-video or just seem to go that route are not worth watching for a reason. I'll bet Idiocracy falls under the latter. I haven't heard too many good things about it. However, Office Space had a very limited theatrical run as did The Shawshank Redemption - I was lucky to see both during their initial theatrical runs. Donnie Darko basically went straight-to-video, but it's one of my favourite cult films ever.
  3. Gary Cole is an excellent character actor. No matter what he's in, whether TV or film, he's always watchable.
  4. In an episode of Rescue Me from this last season, Tommy's wife was at her office and a coworker handed her a paper and said: "Here's the TPS reports you wanted". I laughed hard.
  5. Indeed I do not work in an office and I hope I never will.
  6. It's one of my favourite comedies of the past 20 years. Mike Judge is a genius... and he won't let you forget to wear your "flairs".
  7. Jaimoe


    I urge fans of buddy flicks, black comedies and wine drinking to watch - if you haven't already - this great film. Giamati is a special actor and he delivers one of the funniest lines in recent movie memory:
  8. I don't watch Letterman anymore and I caught the original Paris segement by fluke when it originally aired "live". Well, tonight is Round II. Here's some of the particulars regarding tonight's show and a clip of her last appearance on Letterman, which I think is one of Dave's most savage and hilarious interviews since the good old mean Dave days with NBC. http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/node/35465
  9. Jaimoe


    Well Brad, Huff Estates is gaining lots of ground as a producer of good chardonnay, pinot gris and tasty reds. My personal favourite is Waupoose, which is one of Picton's most successful wineries, but they don't sell their product in Wine Racks or LCBO's. Some other wineries to consider are The County Cider Company, Carmela Estate Wines, By Chadsey's Cairns, Black Prince Winery, The Grange and Closson Chase. I believe there's a few more in the area that sell their product on-site only. I had some wine from a new Picton winery as a Christmas present, but I forgot the name. It was a merlot, but I don't really care for reds, so I can't recommend it. My brother-in-law is the head of tourism for Prince Edward County, so I could get you more info if you so require. Here's one website: http://www.winedining.net/prince.html
  10. Jaimoe


    If you want a cheaper winery tour alternative to Niagra, try going to Picton in Prince Edward County. There's tons of burgeoning and established wineries in that lovely part of Eastern Ontario and the wine is generally excellent.
  11. It's all general admission, but sometimes they have a reserve section. However if you show up early, you will get a great seat regardless. What show is it?
  12. It's all good Greg. Blues lovers unite!
  13. They mined Junior Kimbrough and R.L. on the first album. The arrangements aren't that different either, but more stretched out. I think the main element of jam/improv music that they used on the first few albums reminded me of early Allman Brothers, another band that is a blues hybrid, epecially the early stuff.
  14. It's the merge of Delta and jam rock which originally excited me. Their first album of all covers is great great great! I just don't think Luther's songwriting is better than average. I never thought of the Allstars as a Delta blues band. That's a crazy notion indeed, but I loved the influence of the North Mississippi Delta on their early work, which has been drying up in recent years.
  15. Whudja think of Volume 1? I thought it was okay' date=' but nowhere near as good as Behind The Music. [/quote'] I liked Origin Vol. I, but I think it suffered from "follow-up to a breakthrough album syndrome". Some songs off Origin are fucking great rockers and it has a few nice acoustic tracks too, but I think they blew it with their arrangement of lead-off single "Big Time". At its core, "Big Time" has all the elements of a a great song, but it never takes off; however it does live. I wish they had another crack at recording it. I think if you listen to Origin again, you may like it more than you thought you did.
  16. What I'm saying is, when a band plays live, most of the songs said band plays live comes off their studio albums. Thus, if I'm increasingly dissatisfied with a band's studio output, then I can't get too jacked for a concert full of songs off of those albums. I'm not racing out to see Rush since they haven't put out anything good in 25 plus years. Great live bands with subpar songs doesn't make for a fun time. At the same time, The Dead have a bunch of subpar studio albums, but at their stipped away core, the songs have (by the most part), been excellent. The North Mississippi Allstars can't make that claim. Also, the last time I saw The Allstars they played a bunch of songs off of Polaris. They sounded much better live, but they still weren't very good songs. "Eyes" is not a good song and it was their lead-off single for that album.
  17. I would also like to give props to Luther and company for influencing me to seek out North Mississippi Delta blues. I went to Clarksdale Mississippi a few years ago, a place where the Allstars "borrowed" their sound and style from. Thanks to the NMA, I now love Junior Kimbrough, T Model Ford and earlier acoustic work by R.L. Burnside.
  18. I was on top of this band even before their first album dropped back in 2000. I read about them in Guitar Player and subsequent blues magazines back in 1999. I bought Shake Hands With Shorty when it came out and loved the hell out of it. I pimped them hard on Jambands.ca and few seemed to care at the time. I thought the Allstars had a fresh and exciting new sound and one of the only bands (perhaps the only one at the time) that bridged Delta blues and jam rock. I bought Shake Hands for three or four friends for Christmas that year, in particular Booche. I've seen the Allstars four times live, the last being two years ago at Lee's Palace with StoneMtn. The Allstars always put on a good live show and I've never been disappointed, however I like good studio albums; I'm old school that way. Anyway, I've met Luther and company twice. Chris Chew hit on my future wife at a Lee's show in support of 51 Phantom. "Big Daddy" even gave my wife his "business card". However, unless the boys continue to put out, to me at least, sub-par albums, I won't see them again. The tunes off their last three albums are not that strong. I defy anyone to tell me that they've put out an album better or better yet, more innovative and important than Shake Hands With Shorty.
  19. Killer Queen is one of the two villains. Scaramouche is the female lead and Galileo Figaro is the male lead character's name. The obvious name-play leads to hilarity throughout.
  20. Killer Queen was played by a rubenesque black woman with wild spiked hair almost in a colourful mohawk. She reminded me of the theatrical version Tommy's Acid Queen and behaved as crazy as Tina Turner in the film version. I think the show is open-ended, so you have time to see it and it was a Tuesday night performance that looked to be sold-out.
  21. Another good thing about the music performances was that they weren't softened of their rock edge, kind of in line with Tommy: The Musical. Queen was pretty loud and imaginative in their day, and the We Will Rock You band was up to the task, as were the actors. The guitar solos in particular were authentic to Queen and Brian May's legacy.
  22. Possible Sunshine Boy, George Hamilton:
  23. The Canon Theatre (formally Pantages) just off the revamped yet extremely sterile and ugly Dundas Square area of Toronto is a beautiful theatre built in 1920. I've never been in the building before last night because there was never a reason to see a show; see The Phantom of the Opera. I was given two free tickets to last night's capacity performance from a friend who works in wardrobe department (she dresses the Killer Queen, an obvious update of Tommy's Acid Queen). For those not familiar with the production, We Will Rock You is a musical based on the "hits" of Queen written by Queen (obviously) and Ben Elton (The Young Ones, Blackadder), awkwardly linked to a story about the death and rise of rock & roll in the distant future. It's a little bit of Road Warrior, a little bit Blade Runner and a lot 1984. The story is more or less used as an excuse to celebrate rock & roll and generally rock out via the musical format; it's also a tribute to artists that died prematurely - I loved seeing Keith Moon and Brother Duane on the video montage screen during a cool segment of the show. One other interesting element is that they hand out glow-sticks while you file into your seats, which I believe are supposed to sub for lighters since Queen pre-date that abhorrent fan concert device. We Will Rock You plays to an obvious Queen-centric audience, but the performances are all good, as long as you can adjust to the noticeable Québécois accent on the lead male performer, Galileo, who is meant to be the embodiment of Freddy Mercury as rock & roll's messiah. The live band is excellent with three guitarists all able to ape Brian May thanks in part to them using copies of his "Red Special" guitar. The countless references to 20th and 21st century pop culture is occasionally cringe-worthy: the burly black male leader of the rebel "Bohemians" is called Britney Spears and a transgender rebel is named Madonna. If you can get past the corn and the lack of a proper resolution with the evil Killer Queen, then you should have a good time at the show. By the way, all the performers have impressive singing chops, especially The Killer Queen, however none can match Freddie Mercury's range and power. Best songs of the night were "We Will Rock You", "Radio Ga Ga", "Fat Bottomed Girls", sung appropriately by the Killer Queen, and the encore, "Bohemian Rhapsody". All in all, a decent night for non-Queen fans (me) and a fun night for Queen lovers and all fans that like watching live rock & roll. NOTE: YOU CAN BRING YOUR DRINKS TO YOUR SEATS before and during the show, and domestic beer is only $5.
  24. For the life of me, why do women think tanning is sexy or natural-looking, especially out-of-season? She's in good shape however.
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