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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Incidently, #3's "I Wanna Be Your Dog" is by The Stooges (from their first album), not Iggy Pop.
  2. 1. Neil Young - Old King 2. Phish - Silent in the Morning 3. Iggy Pop - I Wanna Be Your Dog 4. Paw - Jessie 5. Ween - Fluffy 6. Pink Floyd - Dogs 7. Nick Drake - Black Eyed Dog 8. The Who - Dogs 9. 10. 11. 12.
  3. The two times I've seen Galactic at The Opera House the audio was brutal and the band was as lifeless as the audience. I saw Galactic another time at a different venue and they were awful. I'm through with them.
  4. I live in the Broadview building - the Hogarth one is directly behind my building. I basically live on Broadview and Danforth. I don't want to move from this area. It's got a little of everything and the neighbourhood is very healty and vibrant. So is the Danforth. http://www.rentersnews.ca/modules/powerpages/pdetail.asp?CP=5,520&PID=241&SID=2
  5. Galactic @ The Opera House = a really bad combo.
  6. I live in a great apartment and a great area in Riverdale (Greek Town). I'll send you info later if you are interested.
  7. Jaimoe


    I find L. Ron's slow evolution from sci-fi bestseller to relgious cult svengali somewhat astonishing. I remember kids reading his sci-fi Battlefield Earth series in high school and thinking nothing of it - and rightly so since it was the early 80's. Certainly his early Dianetics works are related to Scientology but they never were scrutinized in the same manner or reached the same "commercial" appeal.
  8. Jaimoe


    Every time I walk by the Scientology headquarters on Yonge Street I take a peek through the window and almost every time there's a couple of potential recruits wandering around the desks looking a little rough and down on their luck. A far cry from the insular insecure celebrity-culture this whacked cult feeds upon.
  9. Ahh... different PBS station in O-town? Where's the Ottawa one from, Watertown? I get three PBS stations in Toronto, but I watch the HD Detroit station. Buffalo is in standard digital and has different (and I think) better programming.
  10. I've got on my personalized Joe Strummer autographed CD of the UK version of The Clash.
  11. Tweedy really aired out some great Richard Lloyd-like lead guitar runs on "At Least That's What You Said". Lloyd gave Tweedy guitar lessons a number of years ago and I could really hear the Television influence. Fuck, great opening jam.
  12. Does funk get any better than this? I think not:
  13. Austin City Limits today and this weekend is a repeat of Wilco and Bright Eyes. Joining Bright Eyes is M. Ward and Jim James (MMJ). A sickening amount of singer-songwriter talent for one hour I tell you what.
  14. Jaimoe


    She's married to often-injured NBA star and former Duke superstar Grant Hill. Tamia is from Niagra Falls Ont.. I believe she has no connection to Prince and she remains smoking hot.
  15. Jaimoe

    The Office

    I thought the best laugh was when the father got out of the wheelchair at the alter and you could hear someone say: "It's a miracle".
  16. Jaimoe

    The Office

    Weddings are always good fodder for laughs. Great episode.
  17. Tonight's 6:00 City news led with Silverman. He went through the entire story surrounding the culprit. This guy was a repeat offender and more than likely, isn't even a registered optometrist.
  18. I love Peter Silverman. He sticks up for people who get ripped-off - on a weekly basis. This clip happened yesterday in Toronto. Silverman went to investigate an optometrist who was ripping off clients. He even contacted the optometrist and the man said everything was ok because "I found God". Well, I guess God wasn't around for this one. Silverman is 75 and is an ex boxer: http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_7637.aspx
  19. Her wild weight fluctuations can't have helped matters either.
  20. You gotta feel symapthy for someone that stressed and messed up: Anna's 20 year old son dies in front of her last year of an overdose and her husband is implicated; is in a paternity suit to determine the father of her newborn; is in a court battle to decide who gets her ex-husband's fortune; is being sued by the diet company she endoreses; may be suffering from postpartum depression; has had a history of alcohol and drug abuse and is pretty nutty to boot.
  21. There's rumours that she was five months pregnant, not to mention she is the mother of a new baby.
  22. Breaking news! Sources tell ET that Anna Nicole Smith has passed away. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources tell ET that ANNA NICOLE SMITH died this afternoon after she collapsed at a Florida hotel. The actress and TRIMSPA spokesperson was staying at the Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. According to reports, Anna Nicole collapsed around 2 p.m. and paramedics were called. They reportedly performed CPR at the scene. She was then taken to the Memorial Regional Hospital. Her partner, HOWARD K. STERN, tells ET that Anna Nicole's temperature was running high last night. The couple was shopping for a new boat in Florida.
  23. Notice the hoisted water bottles - probably filled from the nearest toilet.
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