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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Jamie Campbell, aka Johnny Whitaker, sucks bad. How many times did you hear him make this call(?) : "That ball was crushed". The ball most of the time would be a shallow pop-fly. The guy prattles on about nothing. He and Tabler are brutal together. They make Rod Black look good. Wilner is bang-on with his assessment of the Jays pitching staff, in particular Burnett.
  2. I love Swede rock. TSOOL is one of my favourite bands. I also love The Refused and The International Noise Conspiracy. Thanks for the post.
  3. Don't be adding on a couple of extra years on me. I'll go to a rave with dima only if I can find my whistle and sparkles. And I've got plenty of hair left, but I'll never be mistook for a hippy.
  4. I know their music you tool. They are innovative and influential... and they suck ass.
  5. After considering many worthy candidates, I finally have an answer: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/237582/
  6. Shouldn't this topic be posted in the "What is the worst sound in the world" thread?
  7. Hey Toast, many bands are fueled by love-hate relationships. The love-hate conflicts add to the chemistry, songwriting and performing. These bands all had often bitter and combustable inner termoils and for the most part, buried the hatchet for dubious and good reasons: Cream, Band Of Gypsies, The Kinks, The Who, Oasis, Pink Floyd, The Clash, Van Hagar, Van Halen, The Police (and that was with Sting and Copeland) etc...
  8. I beieve the Generals kicked their ass tonight thanks to 7 points from phenom Tavares. It's the only time I'll ever cheer for Oshawa.
  9. The thing is, The Police were never washed up, unlike Phish and the still active and irrelevant moe..
  10. The Police are the most intriguing of the bunch. They got out when they were on top but left the world wanting more.
  11. I love that Marilyn Manson and Bush (or is it Rush) was included in the line-up. Now I want to go! Actually, "Best Of Both Worlds" by Midnight Oil is a fantastic guitar song.
  12. Steve Nash isn't a starter and neither is Dirk in the West. The fans are fucked.
  13. Barkley put Sam Mitchell on his personal all-star coaching line-up last night on TNT. I wish Charles had a real vote, but Sam is deserving of being at "The Show".
  14. This just happened to me at work and it's kinda freaky. I work for the Retro music video channel and I noticed that tonight's playlist was running 3 or 4 minutes light. So I decided to copy the last video of the day (5:55 am) and paste it into the playlist to air in the next few hours for time. I scolled down and low and behold, the last video of the day is Money City Maniacs.
  15. No matter what you think of that album, Money City Maniacs is one of the best power-pop songs a Canadian band has produced in the last 15 years or more is matched by the prefectly produced video.
  16. With a new album from a band that isn't going downhill, I think this thread is relevant, certainly compared to the one's you start.
  17. Hmm, that's the first negative review I've read, albeit in blurb form. I like the album. It sounds like that dude took a page from noted prick reviewer Tim Perlich from Now Magazine.
  18. Having had my ass handed to me by The Hold Steady over the last few days got me thinking about another equally great power-pop band: Sloan. They have never gotten the run they deserve through album sales south and even north of the border (although they are more famous than The Hip are in the States). I think they are Canada's best power-pop band that consistantly put out excellent albums (and perfect videos), including their fantastic acclaimed new one Never Hear The End Of It.
  19. agreed... The pair of you are fools. Mike Anthony is no Tony Levin, but he's an original member with an excellent low-end bass sound and his backing vocal harmonies are dominant even more than they are complimentary (in a good way). Thinking you can replace key original members effectively rarely amounts to a better product both commercially and artistically - see The Allmans, Santana (arguable), Van Hagar, The Rolling Stones, The Who and even AC/DC etc... One of the few bands that got better with replacement members was The Yardbirds.
  20. Sounds like you could be talking about Ben Harper as well.
  21. You can hate Genesis all you like but don't mack on Phil's drumming abilities. He's one of the best ever. Phil is a great drummer, but he sure wasn't the right fit for the reformed Zeppelin. He threw off the band. Page didn't want him playing and Phil didn't know the songs and his sound was all wrong.
  22. I've seen some recent Killer performances on Conan and Leno. He still has some chops and the living legend status makes catching his act important.
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