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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Maybe it's just me, but none of The Shins albums grabbed me until I gave them multiple listens over the course of a few months. This one will likely be the same.
  2. Too bad about the demise of Voivod. The best band Newsted was in post Metallica.
  3. The list would make Ray Manzarek furious.
  4. Injuries are always a part of the pre-season. Players are not in game shape. These injuries are the niggling type. Nothing to get worked up about.
  5. As a hockey fan, that wasn't a fun game to watch. Listless play from the Leafs and they didn't play with much passion. The Sens looked good. Some spirited Battle Of Ontario eh?
  6. Fortunately, my job isn't physically draining. I work for MuchMusic, on the technical production end: Master Control Op, tape op and music video/commercial ingest operator.
  7. I believe this is the same version from the terrific Buchanan anthology Sweet Dreams. Guitar fans, do yourself a favour and watch the master at work: Hey Joe
  8. Elton jumped the shark in 1975 so nothing he does is too shocking.
  9. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Bosh's ailment better known as a heel spur? If it is, then he'll get over it. I've had them and they hurt like a bugger - as bad as gout - but with the right shoe etc... he'll be fine.
  10. Happy Birthday Mrs Bouchard, although today I will call you Myrna. I'll bring you over some tasty wine when I see you next.
  11. Not that I'm proud of this, but I have the hardest sleep schedule. I work 12 hour shifts on a two week rotation. The first two weeks are 7am-7pm (I get up at 5:50am); the second two week schedule is 7pm-7am (I'm up now and because my body clock is all fucked up). I have a weekend every two weeks to adjust when I have to start the next two week schedule. The hardest is adjusting to the morning shift schedule. Example: Going to bed on Friday morning at 7:30am and having to get up for work on Monday morning at 5:50am. Last night was tough since I was on days for the last two weeks, off on the weekend, and I worked my first night shift last night. Basically, I don't sleep well and haven't for eight years.
  12. Try the Bond Street Hotel - at Dundas, one block east of Yonge. Decent hotel and fairly cheap and central. Ever try a bed & breakfast? They are cheaper than hotels, cleaner and they feed you in the morning. Try Trip Advisor for good b&b's.
  13. It's not Scott to my right. It's a guy from a grade lower. Check the yearbook.
  14. Roy's cover of Down By The River is as good as Telecaster guitar gets.
  15. Jaimoe

    Hoagie House

    And one of the most important steps to Hoagie House eating glory is the "delightful" service of the establishment.
  16. I'm glad (in a way) that Roy never accepted the invite to be a menber of The Stones... or that's how the famous rumour goes.
  17. I've been a fan of Roy's for many years. He'll be forever criminally overlooked, not unlike his disciple Danny "The Humbler" Gatton.
  18. I could easily find a new signature in this thread, if it weren't for loving those fucking Al Swearengen's soliloquies.
  19. There's a analog reel to reel bootleg out there somewhere.
  20. Man, this entire post is grammatically hilarious.
  21. And by the way, the picture was snapped just as I was peaking during a ten minute solo on the classic Miles Davis song "So What".
  22. To add fuel to the fire, the pin on my hat is of cheese rock band Loverboy... or it might be April Wine. I sure hope it's the latter, but I don't think it is.
  23. I......am...going...to...kill...bouche. BTW, that's Chris Smirnios in the back - of Joy, Bloom and Mahones fames amongst others.
  24. ...between Devon Allman (of Honeytribe) and his famous uncle:
  25. I don't really get that. I've seen a lot of great and bad bands in dives. Just go to Grossman's on Spadina Ave if you want to see a good band in a dive. Same with The Comfort Zone. The Kool Haus and Guvernment in Toronto, not to mention at times The Opera House, have been known to suck the life out of many bands and their audiences (see Galactic) - it has a lot to do with the venue's acoustics, size and set-up.
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