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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. He sat Hagman and Stajan out of last night's game - two of their best forwards. He sits down defensemen too. I'm not a fan of Wilson, but he's not afraid to ruffle a few feathers.
  2. When the Leafs get Kessel back, they'll have just one forward that can be considered a first liner - although on Boston, he was mostly a second liner. The rest of the forward crew are legitimate 3rd and 4th liners. This ain't gonna change in the future either, which should be scary for Leaf fans.
  3. Indeed they are. Name a worse group of forwards. Answer: you can't. Their D can't be this bad though. It doesn't help that their goaltending sucks. I'll give you that "The Monster" looks like he has some skill, but the other three (the two on the Marlies) aren't going to steal you any games.
  4. Tucker is a surprise nice fit on a very young Avs. This Leafs team would give the Ballard era of on-ice ineptitude a run.
  5. I haven't seen the prequel mini series Caprica yet, but I heard it's good. I hope the upcoming series kicks ass.
  6. Jaimoe


    My wife and I enjoying each enjoying a litre of Paulaner Helles (our second) at one of the Paulaner beer halls during day two of Oktoberfest in Munich (we couldn't find a seat in any of the halls on the opening day):
  7. Indeed, unless you are a Raiders or Bills fan.
  8. The only 1 pm game available today in Toronto via Rogers basic cable is the Bills vs Browns. During the half-time show, Dan Marino called it the worst game he's ever seen. I'm actually tempted to watch the Billy Tallent soundcheck here at work. Fuck Rogers and fuck the Bills.
  9. I would to if they even belonged on the list in the first place. Have you heard NFO? George Clinton can only dream about writing a funk song that great.
  10. No, I indeed meant Downtime with Punk. I saw them on their first Ontario go-round (I think it was) at the hideous, but fun, Comfort Zone. The bassist and keyboardist sucked. Actually, I didn't think they made it into this decade, but I'm clearly wrong - when did Punk join nero and did this end Downtime?
  11. I thought he wanted Yonge and Queen? If it's the Opera House are - Riverside - then Blue Moon is perfect or you can also try Booze Emporium, next to Jilly's. Booze will have HNIC on sans sound.
  12. Too far away. Fillmores and/or Zanzibar are much closer, if this is what floats your boat.
  13. Hey Roller, I don't think Downtime made it past the '90s.
  14. There's lots of chain pubs in the area that cater to tourists, however, PJ O'Brien's, just one block east of Yonge & King http://www.irishembassypub.com/pjob/info.html, is a good pub and so is the Irish Embassy (same owners as PJ's - http://www.irishembassypub.com/irish/info.html) at Yonge and Wellington. You can also head up to the Imperial/Library Pubs at Dundas and Yonge (Dundas and Victoria - one block east of Yonge Square, across from the new CityTv headquarters).
  15. Name some Canadian jambands didn't make it through this decade. I will not include nero in the list. I will include Dr. Huxtable.
  16. This list confirms that no music genre or sub-genre can touch jam when it comes to horrendously named bands. Good post Roller.
  17. Good to hear. I recorded last night's episode, but finally caught up on the first three from this season. So far, the shows have been strong, with the first episode being downright hilarious.
  18. Lips and Robb are rocking this evening's Tonight Show. Great gig for these guys. The Anvil documentary comes out this week on DVD (I think) and if you haven't seen it, then I advise you do so. It's heartbreaking, funny and unlifting all rolled into one.
  19. Ha ha! No, but your name did, especially when visited Berlin's 100 Beer Pub and a couple of small pubs in Amsterdam - one (in Dutch it is named The Stork) served only their own micro brews, which were mostly great.
  20. I was in Munich a few weeks ago and attended the first two days of Oktoberfest and was really impressed. Of course there were lineups, but getting into the Oktoberfest fair was free as was sitting in the many beer halls on the grounds; a litre of beer cost between $7-8 euros (tips included), which is pretty darn cheap all things considered. Of the 40 different beers - including many great micro brews - I drank on my 5 week 4 country vacation, the best came from Munich, the #1 being one or two brands of Augustiner Helles (Helles is a pale ale). I have four of these half-litre bottles in my fridge:
  21. Nice job Todd. It's great to read about music for a change - my vacation ended yesterday and so did my 5 week lack of hearing (or reading about) good music.
  22. Thanks Dave. Thanks everyone else too.
  23. Life has been good and bad for us recently. We'll take the good when we can get it. Thanks!
  24. That's very true zero; not unlike Samantha Ronson's celebrity.
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