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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. If I had an alter ego I'd want him to be named Didlo Von Vybraytor
  2. well no-one can watch it tonight, it's on tomorrow dude
  3. sounds like Dinghbat's going to a shopping fair
  4. i love made-up words that make sense instantishly
  5. how bout the Clash's first album, loud
  6. pretty rough Robert Latimer had a daughter named Tracey She was born in the eighties at a time of great progress With a cord wrapped around her neck oh so tightly And any air that gave life was cut off in the process But born she was and lived a life of great suffering The mind of a baby was to be her life sentence And bedsores and seizures over and over again The doctors thought surgeries would help with the pain But mutilation, incapacitation her father protested And one day decided upon her final deathbed To ease the pain and suffering of a beloved And hoped that in death her agony would be ended But the authorities fumed and pointed and jailed him While knowing he loved her and that the weight that he carried Would be with him always just like her memory He suffered and mourned and did his time bravely And then one day his parole it came up He asked for it humbly and had always thought That for his actions his daughter would love him And on that point his parole was denied They wanted to hear that he was wrong not right In acting in the best interests of a loved one For her to live a life of suffering and pain was more just And his hopes for his freedom were thereby crushed And until that day he looks a judge in the eye And with the laws of the land he complies And admits to himself and to the world That he didn't do what was best for his girl He'll sit in a prison with one thought on his mind That justice can indeed be blind and has nothing to do with what's wrong and what's right But until the day that's changed he'll fight
  7. are you firm on the fully clothed part?
  8. Who's catching this one? Jaimoe? I think Pubwells will show it but i doubt i'll make the trek now that we don't live 100 yds away from it
  9. what are you cleaning? if it's a body part, then "It's Raining Men" if it's your house then put on an apron and throw on anything by Celine Dion or shania twain
  10. you dealt with a bat pretty handily that one time though
  11. Lisa: I'll stop buying Malibu Stacey clothing. Bart: And I'll take up smoking and give that up. Homer: Good for you, son. Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. Have a dollar. [gives a dollar bill to Bart] Lisa: But he didn't do anything! Homer: Didn't he, Lisa? Didn't he?
  12. blast em in the eye area with the foam then bonk em over the head. maybe you can get Velvet to help you run through a mock break-in scenario, just make sure he wears a helmet and has plenty of booze in him
  13. Sounds like a dream I had last night about John Bon Jovi
  14. i was talking to a work colleague a few months back, maybe even a year ago. they were talking about how their husband had gone to see Bon Jovi, i asked what he'd thought of it and she said that his take was that "He didn't say much about the music but that JBJ looked really cool". my eyebrows---------->up
  15. oh my gawd i'm gay! i'd better lose 20lbs and shave my feet
  16. i don't even know you anymore dude
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