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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. those charlotte shows were fun as hell on so many levels but because the clifford ball, the G. Went and those types of shows always seemed to fall on my birthday w.e. they stand out for me oh yes and anyone who sleeps in between these nero shows simply doesn't know how to party. unless you start druinking the moment you wake up on saturday, that would be acceptable dont forget to put a glass of scotch at your bedside folks
  2. Rock the fuck on baby! i'm proud of you mon ami beer tastes good
  3. gawd i've been reading that site too much today- i just took a walk thru the office and was sure i smelled booze, startled i took a deep breath and much to my disappointment realised it was only someone's perfume permeating the air i'm still salivating
  4. that happened to me too only i studied for weeks on the computer for it
  5. why do tv & masterbation always such a bad rap?
  6. The Flight of the Bumblebee (tip o' the hat to paisley)
  7. one man's violation is another man's little touch
  8. Can you trust someone who doesn’t drink? You can trust they won’t want to split the tab. I’m a little suspicious of people who don’t drink, unless they’ve been through rehab. I’ve inadvertently sent some folks to rehab.
  9. Modern Drunkard Magazine!?!? How do i not have a subscription to this!?!?! My new goal in life is to become editor in chief of this publication. or at least a regular contributor. well let me get the subscription first, then we'll see
  10. Connecticut man pays $200 for snow from Colorado
  11. Smithers wonders if assassinating Abe is really necessary due to his old age, but Burns can't risk to lose the Hellfish bonanza to Abe, so he needs the world's most devious assassin: Fernando Vidal. At his mansion, Vidal answers the phone. Vidal: Hola? Burns: Fernando, it's M.B. Vidal: Ah, Marion Barry. Is it time for another shipment already? "No, it's Montgomery Burns!" Vidal executes plan A: while Abe is asleep, he pours some drops of poison in his water glass, which holds his dentures. Then, he simply advances the alarm clock to Abe's wake-up time. In his slumber, Abe throws away the glass with his teeth and sticks a clock in his mouth. [Abe's poison teeth lie on the floor as he runs with a clock in his mouth] Vidal: Ah, he's more clever than he looks...
  12. i'll bet you say that to all the guys
  13. i had a record 6 tacos last night, no meat in em though- dee-fookin-lish
  14. ouch indeed too many nubiles in the ranks of the fullbacks i'm afraid
  15. i think he means "now" and not not cameron diaz is a leathery talentless pondslag
  16. [phone rings] Parker: Troy! Mac Parker. Ever hear of... Planet of the Apes? Troy: Uh... the movie or the planet? Parker: The brand-new multimillion dollar musical. And you are starring... as the human. Troy: It's the part I was born to play, baby!
  17. "Dusty Dickeson"?!? ::eyebrows up::
  18. TV: "Movie For A Rained-Out Ballgame" now returns to Dyan Cannon, Troy McClure, and the Muppets in the 1977 film: "The Muppets Go Medieval". Troy: Oh Princess Fair, wilst thou grant me thine dainty hoof in marriage? Piggy: Oh, Sir Lies-A-Lot, I will! [they kiss each other] Troy: [purrs] Kermit: [in armor, wielding a sword] Unhand the swine, you swain! Come, Piggy. back to Hamelot. Piggy: Heck no, frog. Me and Iron Pants are just getting acquinted. [Our favorite family is wathing this movie on TV.] Lisa: Dad, what's a muppet? Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, but man... [laughs] So to answer your question I don't know. Bart: Why'd they make that one muppet out of leather? Marge: That's not a leather muppet, that's Troy McClure. Mmm, back in the '70s he was quite a teen heartthrob. Homer: Yeah, who'd have thought he'd turn out to be such a weirdo? Marge: What are you talking about? Homer: You know, his bizarre personal life. Those weird things they say he does down at the aquarium. Why I heard... Marge: Oh, Homer, that's just an urban legend. People don't do that type of thing with fish! -- "A Fish Called Selma"
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