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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    Beef Bourguignon

    How many lardons would you have snacked on last night?
  2. KFC Snackers in the afternoon?
  3. Are you sure you didn't accidentally cheer for an Ottawa goal, thinking Washington was wearing red?
  4. I was kidding about the jail fraud and I am hopeful about last night's events but let's not turn into a bunch of saps. I just find that article so self-serving.
  5. ::puke:: I hope he goes to jail for voter fraud.
  6. The Senators thank you for your support! :thumbup:
  7. I felt like I was watching a movie. Four years to see if reality delivers.
  8. Security better be tight!! Welcome back America.
  9. Good news! Fox is simulcasting Fox News! Watch the election results in style.
  10. I need a goalie if anyone wants to try to fleece me.
  11. Maybe Stevie G should have pulled out one of these:
  12. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    Kissed and made up. Hope we're cool too d_jango. Sorry to subject you all to my bad day.
  13. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    I think we've misunderstood each other. I didn't mean for that to sound huffy or pissy at all. I wasn't trying to say 'I'm so disgusted that I'm walking away' kind of thing, just a 'And I'm willing to eat my own dog food, so I'll do it too, if that is what we need to do' kind of thing. And again because I didn't think you were being pissy at all. Maybe a little martyr-ish though.
  14. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    This is getting ridiculous. I'm the one with the obviously low tolerance level around here so please don't leave on my account.
  15. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    Who grants rights around here? It's not like I'm using admin privileges to delete or edit your posts. I'm throwing out my 2 cents like everybody else.
  16. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    And I'll repeat that I think you'd find more variety of discussion between the regulars if there wasn't this constant battle against the one "dissenting" voice. Anyone can play devil's advocate or be a troll. But if you think I'm being too harsh, and Birdy obviously does, then I'll bow out and try to ignore this corner of Jambands.ca.
  17. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    I was just thirding the "insult", if you insist on calling it that. Right back atcha on the tiresome.
  18. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    That's what I've been saying for over two years!! There is no room for anyone to breath in the politics forum due to the constant battle with Birdy in every thread.
  19. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    Once again, speak for yourself.
  20. ollie

    TSN 2

    Is that on Rogers now? Channel?
  21. Blocked at work! Damn the man for keeping Obama down!
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