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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    Self-expressing in an inappropriate context. He could have whipped out his cack in an act of self-expression. Are you going to defend that too?
  2. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    Reminds me of my grade 12 english teacher who would slyly mention that he might not be in class come Monday as he was going to participate in an anti-abortion rally on the weekend, implying that he might get busted for it. Wanker.
  3. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    If you're going to take that literally I'd be more concerned with the "all men" part.
  4. Or everyone's waiting for the 3rd jersey to be released.
  5. Hey, they finally changed the marquee!
  6. Wicked show last night! I can't wait for them to come back. €
  7. That's 7 more points than we had a week ago. I will celebrate that!
  8. Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur!!
  9. sigh... I think this is what I miss most about Ottawa. Are you sure it's not the Sens?!
  10. Pizza from East Side Mario's. Actually pretty damn good.
  11. The flyer lists: Jambands.ca, nufunk.ca and Clearwater Concerts Canada.
  12. They are not the promoter as far as I know. It's still in their interest to get as many warm bodies inside to sell them beer though. They may not be promoting the show but they should be promoting their bar by way of promoting the show, at least within their means. i.e. marquee, web site
  13. Have you tried PM-ing the Mavericks account? It's probably too late now in terms of drumming up business but it would be nice if it's there for the band to see. Otherwise their fist impression might be: "Why are they advertising a show for Oct 19?"
  14. ollie


    I thought this was gonna be about OJ getting sent to jail.
  15. I read "Tanks. Alot". I thought it was something akin to a 21 gun salute to everyone who posted birthday wishes. Thinking too hard once again.
  16. Thank god. That piece was utter tripe and pretty damn embarassing posted on the cbc, opinion piece or not. I can only imagine the outcry from those who outcried 'opinion piece' if say it were some whacked out evangelist going off the deep end instead. That's right, what with us being a bunch of hypocrites and all. I'm no fan of Malik but pulling it after the fact is weak.
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