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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie


    Tonight's the night RD! [color:#CCCCCC]I have no shame.
  2. It still thinks it's worth it considering how visual a medium a laptop is. To each his own of course.
  3. do tell.... In my experience there's always someone out there that has had a bad experience with the product you want to buy. Hell, when I bought my Acer laptop at Staples the sales drone tried hard to talk me out of it, calling Acer crap, etc.
  4. That looks close to mine except I held out for the dedicated video memory (256MB too). I think it's worth it. Mine also came with a BluRay player which seemed cool at the time although I haven't used it.
  5. Ha ha, the Mac fags are out already.
  6. My advice is to set a price point you are comfortable with and wait until you see something at that price with the specs you like. I think $799 is a reasonable sweet spot. I bought mine back in May so it's probably already date by now but no regrets.
  7. You can fit an uncompressed album onto an SD card. If more devices are built with SD card readers then this new format could be very cool.
  8. I signed up to the mailing list so as to avoid any shenanigans at the door. Doesn't stop me from putting the e-mail address it comes from in my spam filter. Wonder if I can get an "I don't want to be on your mailing list" t-shirt made for Saturday.
  9. P.S. There was a read receipt on this e-mail.
  10. Because not everyone owns an iPod. Creative Labs are starting to add SD card slots to their mp3 players. I'm sure Apple will eventually catch up and claim to be innovators.
  11. Wow. Check out the level of nerdiness that Eugene stoops to. I think I hate him. [color:purple]Anyway, I have my tickets in hand. Are they going to be checking ticket numbers against e-mail addresses at the door?
  12. The Dolphins? I wouldn't put it past them.
  13. He's not pro-war, pro-oil? Pro-Bush is so passé though... pro-McCain maybe. What do you think of the anti-Dion ads? Do those attacks upset you just as much? If not, why not?
  14. ollie

    Tom Green...

    The UOA is breaking out.
  15. The one's against Dion? I agree. They only serve to steel my resolve that Harper is an enemy of Canada.
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