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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Dirk Kuyt? Looks a bit like the Shaun of the Dead guy too.
  2. ollie


    I'd never heard of Basa fish until about a week ago and now I see it everywhere. What's up with that?
  3. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    You guys know that the point spread is designed to encourage equally betting on both sides and is not a reflection of what the bookmaker thinks the actual final score will be, right? "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat." - Jesse Ventura "Cheat to win." - Eddie Guerrero GO PATS!!
  4. ollie

    Don Wittman dies

    Nice of the Habs to hold a moment of silence in his honour on Saturday night. Did that happen in all the Canadian arenas?
  5. I blame BradM for not starting a roll call.
  6. What the hell happened to Andre?
  7. E-mail from Mike. Your tax dollars hard at work.
  8. Hey Mike!! Can you ask Pat and Ken if they like these Pro Line picks? Fri Edmonton over Carolina Sat Ovechkin over Jokinen Sun Anaheim over Dallas
  9. That was the most embarrassing "news" article I've ever read. Even Earl McRae has more dignity.
  10. Ha ha, great site dinghy, thanks for posting.
  11. Hey Mike, I'm gonna be drinking rum with your wife this afternoon. Enjoy being in school!
  12. I'm hitting the rum in your desk drawer after lunch.
  13. ollie

    Ron Sexsmith

    I completely agree. In fact, I'd recommend this one first.
  14. And you guys laughed at me for not signing up for the course.
  15. Am I really off base in thinking that Newcastle resembles the Leafs? Rabid fanbase, unreal expectations, haven't won a trophy in 40 odd years, looking 10 years into the past to hire their manager.
  16. How's that much different than the information that gets put into a published encyclopedia like World Book? The victors write history after all.
  17. ollie

    Ron Sexsmith

    I was gonna say the same thing but if he's with full band then they should rock out a little. He's a very likeable performer. You should go!
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