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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    Chris Berman explodes. This is awesome.
  2. Makes for great hilarity when Spezza fails with one of his dipsy-doodles. "Dare to dream Jason!"
  3. Booche, call me after badams calls you.
  4. Even Andre? (Who's got the nurse photo?)
  5. I agree with you. (Stop laughing Booche.) The way some of these articles, like Jim Kelly's, are written makes me think the authors know more about the situation than what is public knowledge. What is the source of the "Ray does coke" rumour anyway?
  6. I like that one too. Sens commercials suck, it's either Alfie or Spezza looking like a cupcake for Jubilee Jewellers, or one of the Chris' (Phillips, Neil, McGratton) selling a truck, or Mike Fisher extolling the virtues of his hot tub.
  7. Damn that really sucks, sorry that happened to you guys. I wonder if someone saw the detailed pictures Mike posted here a few months back when troubleshooting the problem? Maybe it's just paranoia but you never know who lurks.
  8. Who's to say it's the cause of whatever it is that's wrong?
  9. I hope that's all you were playing with.
  10. Or maybe you're perma-banned after blowing off yer Gord Downey tickets.
  11. Smart racist kids taboot! Who knows what trouble they could into.
  12. ollie

    Sexy Vibes

    Wikipedia is your friend.
  13. The fact that history class was Euro-centric didn't make it any more interesting to me. History is a great subject but almost every history class I remember taking in high school was a steaming plate of poo.
  14. Psst... Chameleon... edit the subject line.
  15. I caught the tail end of this while flipping channels and was embarrassed for everyone involved.
  16. What The FA Cup Is All About...
  17. Christine has a subscription to Everyday Food, which for about $24 a year is a great resource for recipes, tips and nutritional information in a handy digest format. Really, this is the best collection of "magazine" recipes that I've seen. You can also pick it up on the newstand to see what you think. Everyday Food
  18. I'd do that too but I have to work on Monday.
  19. This is all I got from night one:
  20. That's given me the idea to make pita pizzas, don't want to mess with a delivery guy as kickoff approaches. Maybe some chili to round it out.
  21. ollie


    Satan laughing spreads his wings.
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