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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Thanks Stu, I have it downloading right now. This will make great portable DVD player viewing.
  2. This was just shown on TSN. Richard Peddie mouthing a portion of Cliff Fletcher's speech like an evil puppet master. Starts around 4:40
  3. Ah, I think because you specified that the first picture link wasn't yours I just assumed the second picture was. Still a good topic I hope.
  4. If you're coming already, wouldn't you just have to bring a jar?!
  5. Daveyboy made a comment in the black bean soup thread about Ms. Zimmy's choice of background for her food photo, the kitchen floor! I've done the same thing, looking for that elusive background to make my food photos shine. That got me thinking that the photo experts here must have some tried and true tips that will elevate the quality of my food photos. Please share what you have, even it's the most basic "everybody should know this" kind of information.
  6. Here's a simple black bean soup recipe that I got from one of the Moosewood cookbooks a while back. It's cheap and easy. 2 cans black beans 1 can tomatoes 3-4+ garlic cloves 1 medium onion olive oil 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon cumin sun dried tomatoes (optional) sour cream (optional) Mince the garlic and onions and sautee with the pepper in the oil for about 5 minutes or until translucent but be careful not to burn. Add juice from canned tomatoes and cumin and let simmer another 5 minutes. Then add the rest of the tomatoes, chopped, and give it another 10 minutes. Then add the beans... I usually drain them but you don't have to if you want a more liquidy soup. Cook another 10 minutes or so. Transfer about half of the soup to a blender and puree. Add the puree back to the pot. It's pretty much ready to serve at this point, just make sure it's heated well. Add sun dried tomatoes and sour cream to individual servings as desired. I don't bother with the sun dried tomatoes but I think there was an instruction to soak them in water to make them more tender. Makes a great pairing with homemade pita pizzas!!
  7. Come on! Valotte should be enough to keep Julian off that list. Has Sean done anything as successful?
  8. Time for Murray to come down to the bench for the rest of the season.
  9. As far as bad ideas go, I think that's pretty fucking cool too.
  10. That reminds me I had an eerie dream last night that Ringo had died. Thank god it was only this!
  11. Let me elaborate... "Thanks for being man enough to credit the opposition".
  12. Shit, I just heard, in relation to this story, that Brad Renfro died last week. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22671919/
  13. Thanks stu! Let me know where I can download the match as well. Still thought Arsenal were in it when they scored and I could see the collapse but thank god Spurs held on with class and scored right at the end. I knew they were playing better under Ramos but couldn't believe the figures when I saw them: Link to stats
  14. He lives in Ottawa. The hockey world doesn't revolve around Toronto. Go Bruins. We actually get the Fan 590 on digital cable in Ottawa. I sometimes listen to it when The Team is broadcasting infomercials/yank filler on the weekend.
  15. This year has been great so far. It has sucked me right in again. I've had Renaldo Lapuz stuck in my head all week. I'll post some remixes later if anyone's interested.
  16. I agree. It won't be the same if Alfie doesn't play.
  17. All I know is I keep hitting refresh and all I get is the same first page of poo.
  18. Just had to share that with somebody. Let's see who really doesn't read the subforums.
  19. See youse guys there!! PLAY FLY ON A WINDSHIELD!!!
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