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Everything posted by ollie

  1. What if you want to take a break from listening to your book and listen to some tunes? Or the battery dies? I've been listening to my first audiobook on my mp3 player and the above scenarios wreak havoc.
  2. Good idea. You can also get portable DVD players (w/screen) in the same price range. As for the ipod shuffle, at the same price point you can get an "off brand" mp3 player w/video and more capacity. Not meaning to start an ipod debate, there's just better value for money out there.
  3. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    I honestly have no idea.
  4. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    I forgot about that. That was awesome.
  5. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    You do realize that this shit gets made for both teams before the game? Jaworski held up both caps before the game started.
  6. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    P.S. How seriously lame was Fox's abbreviated post-game show so they could air a new episode of House? I miss the locker room champagne interviews. Thank god for the NFL Network.
  7. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    I stuck to Davey Boy's advice: 7 beers, plenty of food and in bed by 11*. I feel great! * passed out on the couch by 11, but same thing
  8. ollie

    NFL Playoffs

    I still can't believe they went for it on 4th and 13.
  9. Tomorrow's menu is set: pita pizzas, vegetarian chili and chicken wings -- cheating on the last one with the frozen variety but everything else homemade. They were sold out of Sam Adams at the beer store so I bought some Bud and some Newcastle, the latter being somewhat football related.
  10. I'm getting drunk on beer margaritas! GO SENS GO!!
  11. Exactly. Bunch of pussies. Their citizenship should be revoked.
  12. How about you learn to operate your vehicle correctly and SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!
  13. ooooohhh ... the hate' date=' the hate ...[/quote'] Spite and envy is it?
  14. When did Canadians become such wimps anyway? This whole "oh my god it's snowing I need to go home" racket is embarrassing. (Not anyone here in particular, just in general.)
  15. Yeah, that's wicked. I posted it in the NFL Playoffs thread yesterday.
  16. Add Stalteri to Fulham and you have one broken hearted Spurs fan in a skirt and Sens jersey.
  17. ollie


    Identity crisis much?
  18. I'm a little sad. Bye bye Defoe
  19. Thanks dude. I'm making Beer Margaritas this weekend!
  20. ollie

    Hal Johnson

    Hal reminds me of this guy in that photo. Wish I was there for the good times!
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