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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Anyone else see Arsenal vs. CSKA Moscow? Great weird match. Arsenal had a ton of scoring opportunties and blew them all. Would've been even better if CSKA could have converted the once good chance they had. Awesome goal keeping by Igor Akinfeev.
  2. You of all people are muckracking this bogus rumour?
  3. Freddy vs. Jason. Same problem with almost every other modern day horror flick -- uninspired, paint by numbers script. I mean, if you're going to go to the trouble of producing a film then why not make it the best it can possibly be? Especially with two franchise characters like Freddy and Jason. In the end it wasn't the worst horror movie I'd seen but could and should have been ten times better.
  4. I saw this movie last week and it floored me. More than just a rock movie, it's also an excellent portrayal of the effects of mental illness on the sufferer, the family and the community. Highest recommendation possible.
  5. Uefa set to examine Chelsea tie This was great. "5 + 1 = 6 you wanker!"
  6. Can we put to rest once and for all the myth that Sens fans are obsessed with the Leafs?
  7. I've always said Harper is Reform and always will be. I miss the Progressive Conservative party.
  8. Thinking of hitting this up sometime Saturday. Maybe get there 5-ish and close'r down.
  9. I'm taping it at home. Sick of watching Chelsea though. Can someone let me know if it's worth watching without spoiling the result?
  10. Thanks for the review! Any special guests or covers performed? I need a Sisters fix!
  11. Awesome! I'm gonna be in Montreal on Dec 16th and was initially bummed that I was gonna miss the Ottawa show. I hope these new dates stick.
  12. That looks delicious!! Would be even better with gravy.
  13. I'm the only one who thinks this might taste good? Plus now we're just one step away from fried beer.
  14. Happy Birthday Sharon!! Hope you had a blast last night. (Sorry we couldn't be with you guys but we had to make an unfortunate last minute change of plans.)
  15. C'mon guys, we're all friends. Where's your sense of humour? Do you guys have an ETA?
  16. A draw at Watford?! Pathetic.
  17. If you want to rip directly to mp3 then I recommend CDex.
  18. "Ohio" from Sister Euclid's Run Neil Run disc
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