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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Happy Day, Voodoolady! Aloha, Brad
  2. jibooer, his wife, and I are doing the whole run: tickets have been bought. As a bonus, Yonder Mountain String Band is playing in Troy, NY on Sunday, June 28, and since Troy is about halfway from Philly to Montreal (which is an 8-ish hour drive), we're going to stop there overnight and see YMSB. Four nights of The Slip followed by a night of YMSB? Sweet. Aloha, Brad
  3. The trick is to make sure that the URL for the image ends in something like ".jpg"; Flickr tends to tack on something like "?v=0" on the end of the URL which renders the image un-embeddable. Take that bit off (as I did), and the image can be embedded. Aloha, Brad
  4. DMB w/ Femi Kuti could be fun (more for Femi than DMB, though, IMO; my idea for a festival of acts that have opened for DMB [not DMB itself] is still viable...). Aloha, Brad
  5. Buy lobster meat cheap Make bologna-like sausage out of lobster meat Profit! Aloha, Brad
  6. Here's a different take on a chat website: http://garyc.mooo.com:3232/steal/ Aloha, Brad
  7. Songs about frustration: 1. Why Must I Plead? - Richard Thompson 2. Stupid Now - Bob Mould 3. Too Drunk to fuÇk Dead Kennedys 4. I Ain't Ever Satisfied - Supergenerous 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Aloha, Brad
  8. As Velvet mentioned in another topic, I'll be with him in Amsterdam for whatever craziness he and I and we can get into. Velvet told me a while ago that he was going, and said that if I wanted to come along, we could split a hotel room and have some fun enjoying the coffee shops tourist attractions. I agreed, and he made his arrangements; I slacked a bit making mine, which gave me time to realize that the end of the trip (May 17) was the Victoria Day weekend, and that Monday, May 18 was going to be a holiday, so I decided to stick around a day beyond what Velvet was planning; thankfully, he was able to extend the hotel reservation an extra day at the same good rate he got. And, as it turned out, Akron/Family is playing in Amsterdam (at Melkweg) on May 17, and I'm planning on being there. (I'll try to get a ticket once I get there; I think they're only available at the venue.) While I was looking into flights, it looked like a lot of them went via London (Heathrow), which I preferred to changing planes in the states. And as part of my usual band web-page scanning, I found out that The Olympic Symphonium and Share are doing a short UK tour just after the trip would be over. They're playing a festival in Liverpool, a date in Brixton, and a show at a pub in London on May 20. So when I set up the flights, I rigged it so that I had a three-day stopover in the UK: I fly from Ottawa to Amsterdam return (changing planes in London) on May 12 (arriving in Amsterdam May 13), but I actually return from London rather than Amsterdam on May 21. I then have a one-way flight from Amsterdam to London on May 18. That left the nights of May 18 and May 19 open to see the sights of, or a show in, London. For the first night I chose a show: Nick Lowe is playing at Royal Albert Hall on May 18, and I scored a ticket through the venue's website. And May 19? I'll be back at Royal Albert Hall, for Eric Clapton. So here's the event listing: 2009-05-17 - Akron/Family - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Melkweg 2009-05-18 - Nick Lowe - London, England - Royal Albert Hall 2009-05-19 - Eric Clapton - London, England - Royal Albert Hall 2009-05-20 - The Olympic Symphonium + Share - London, England - The Slaughtered Lamb Pub The to-do list is about half done, and everything's looking sweet so far. I still need to arrange a hotel in London, but that shouldn't be a big deal, especially over the intertwobez. Aloha, Brad
  9. bradm

    Foie Gras

    Would you be willing to have a tube shoved down your throat, to allow us to force-feed you to the point where your liver becomes delicious engorged? Because if you could do that, and honestly report that it wasn't that big a deal, it'd take a lot of the wind out of ADL's sails. And there'd also be some yummy snacks for the victory party. Aloha, Brad
  10. Back to the subject at hand , Benevento has a friend travelling with him that does computer-driven psychedelic visuals projected on a screen during the show (which at Divan Orange was on the left wall, about 6' from the left edge of the stage). He set up at the back left corner of the stage (as you face it), and when Brad sat in, he was at the front left corner of the stage, which actually put him in the field of the projector, so that a lot of the time, the left third or quarter of the screen had a shadowy outline of Brad as he was playing. The visuals guy also has a camera hooked into the system, and when Brad was playing, he took a live feed of Brad playing guitar, ran it through some Macintosh psychedelic video wizardry, and put that in the right third or quarter of the screen. So as you watched Brad playing, you also saw a shadow of him playing on one part of the screen, and a real-time video-processed image of him playing, taken from a different perspective, on another part of the screen. With any luck, some video of it will surface. Aloha, Brad
  11. Happy Day, Rev! Aloha, Brad
  12. Happy Day, Tricky! Aloha, Brad
  13. The Wednesday, May 6, 2009 show by Marco Benevento's trio (which had Reed Mathis on bass and Andrew Barr on drums; Brad Barr also sits in on guitar for a few tunes) at Le Divan Orange in Montreal, QC is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/beneventotrio2009-05-06.superlux.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  14. Sorry, my judgment was blurred from having seen Brad Barr sit in with Marco Benevento / Reed Mathis / Andrew Barr last night. Aloha, Brad
  15. Last night, I had a couple of (lean) smoked meat sandwiches from Schwartz's deli in Montreal, along with a big bottle of Coup de grisou. Aloha, Brad
  16. Marco Benevento Trio, 2009-05-06, Le Divan Orange, Montreal. Aloha, Brad
  17. I looked back at what I wrote when I was there in 2001, and one shop I listed as being good was Rookies. Aloha, Brad
  18. Canal boat tour. Aloha, Brad
  19. I posted some videos from The Dead Weather's first show, back in April in NYC. Aloha, Brad
  20. Try planting the calves a bit deeper in the ground. Aloha, Brad
  21. I think the train trip might be a later leg of the tour. After the date, according to Share's MySpace page, there are also the following dates: I actually looked into one-way flights from Philadelphia to Vancouver on June 28 to see if I could do this trip after Slip tour, but that seems a bit crazy...I think. Aloha, Brad
  22. http://www.archive.org/details/tos2008-02-23.oktava.shnf Aloha, Brad
  23. Happy Day, Stapes! Aloha, Brad
  24. Happy Day, Basher! Aloha, Brad
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