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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Primus. No contest for me. Aloha, Brad
  2. mooose, would you still need help Wednesday evening? I doubt I can get down to where your current place* is before 5:30pm or so. Aloha, Brad * Bank St. near Babylon, correct?
  3. OK, but the winners will have to pass a drug test*... Aloha, Brad * Whether it's a test to ensure the winners haven't or have taken drugs is to be decided...
  4. http://www.archive.org/details/ClubdElf Aloha, Brad
  5. Notorious B.I.G.? (Well, it does say "Big Concert Announcement"...) Aloha, Brad
  6. Here's Canoe's review of the show: http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/2006/09/25/1893702.html Aloha, Brad
  7. bradm

    G 'N' R in Ottawa

    And you look much more attractive in a kilt. Aloha, Brad
  8. bradm

    G 'N' R in Ottawa

    I'd only go if Buckethead was still in the band. Aloha, Brad
  9. bradm

    upgrade news

    I've noticed a problem that comes once in a while, but not always: in some of the posts I make, particularly those with URLs or smileys in them, the blank line I leave between the last line of the main part of the post and the "Aloha, Brad" sign-off isn't being displayed. It's there if you edit the post or quote it, but not when it's displayed. If I put two blanks in, only one gets displayed. I also recall this happening ('way back when) with lists, when the first blank after the end of the list wouldn't get displayed. Aloha, Brad
  10. Lettuce 2002-06-09. thatpatguy turned me on to these guys, who were a bunch of (Berklee?) music students who found themselves at other bands' gigs asking if they could borrow gear to play; since they kept asking, "Hey, could you let us use your instruments?", they decided to call themselves "Lettuce." The music is straight-up instrumental jazz/funk (with horns and a guitar in the front line), eminently suitable to be included in a Tungsten Gruvsten compilation. Aloha, Brad
  11. http://www.kensington-market.ca/ has links to and info on a lot of what's in the Market. Aloha, Brad
  12. http://www.jambase.com/headsup.asp?storyID=9165 Aloha, Brad
  13. Is that a poster that's been put up around town? I didn't think you could pack that much in the way of text into/onto a poster and have it be effective, but that design (esp. with the text going right out to the edges; if it had fewer words and more whitespace, it might be easier to read, but wouldn't grab your attention as much) works well. Aloha, Brad
  14. Yeah, but it's not "Another Song A Recording Of Which No One Will Hear", is it? Aloha, Brad
  15. Carmen Townsend & The Shakey Deals. Aloha, Brad
  16. Have you told us lately that the Doc Dylans show last night was recorded? Aloha, Brad
  17. Mark, as your musical attorney, I strongly advise you to come to the Ottawa Fat Cats show. I also strongly advise bringing Alabama Man. Use force if you have to. Aloha, Brad
  18. I'm a fan of Toronto singer/guitarist Janine Stoll, who I got to know via her association with Mr. Something Something, who backed her up on her latest album, "This Is Where We Bury It." I recorded her twice back in April, and she graciously (and without any prompting from me ) became part of the Live Music Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/JanineStollTrio Her trio includes her and the bassist and guitarist from Mr. Something Something. The April 12 show includes a wonderful rendition of Patti Griffin's "Top Of The World", done by just her. One of her side projects is Ladybird Sideshow, a group of female singer/songwriters that I haven't seen, but really want to. Aloha, Brad
  19. I saw a listing for a show at Barrymore's on Saturday, Oct. 7, with TJH opening for Hylozoists, but that date on the October calendar now lists "All Of Your Friends" as the opening act. I don't think the show was ever listed on TJH's calendar. Aloha, Brad
  20. According to http://www.jambase.com/headsup.asp?storyID=9188 Aloha, Brad
  21. One trick I've done with my stealth mics (which are omnidirectional) is to tape them to whatever mic stand is in the middle of the stage; if it's one of those multi-part stands, I put the mics just above the "knee", one pointed left, one pointed right. The main downside (aside from it being stage micing, which reduces the crowd feel a bunch) is that you can end up spending a lot of time up near the stage if you want/need to check on things. Aloha, Brad
  22. I've taped Jomomma a bunch of times (most recently Hallowe'en 2004 at the El Mocambo, along with nero and Contact); they're not (yet) part of the LMA, though. I've never been to a show at Jimmy Jazz, so don't know whether they're OK with it or whether there's anything there that could be co-opted into being a mic stand. Aloha, Brad
  23. I'm tempted, but I don't think I'd be able to do it and then get (me and my gear) to Babylon for JSB/Lauzon. Aloha, Brad
  24. bradm

    Vibes for Taj

    Give him me best, Hux. Does he have access to music? Aloha, Brad
  25. nero 2002-12-31. This was the one where they busted out "Tube", and "Help On The Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower" (which just started, and it's melting my brain ). Aloha, Brad
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