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Everything posted by bradm

  1. There's a review in today's Ottawa Sun. A notable quote: Aloha, Brad
  2. Kinky Friedman is one of my heroes. I have five of his mystery novels, and have read at least five more (and one of his later non-mysteries, Kill Two Birds & Get Stoned). Supposedly there's video of his band, Kinky Friedman And The Texas Jewboys, on Austin City Limits, but it never aired; I want a copy. His best political idea might be how he plans to handle illegal immigration. He wants to divide the Texas/Mexico border into zones, and assign each one to a Mexican General. A big sum of money ($1 million? $5 million? something like that) is depositied into a bank account associated with each zone, and money is deducted from the associated account each time an illegal alien crosses a particular zone. After a certain period of time, the Mexican General assigned to a particular zone will be given what's left in the account for that zone. Aloha, Brad
  3. My guess that they do it to make embedding the image more difficult. If you take that bit off the URL, then it works fine inside the "image" tags, otherwise it doesn't. Aloha, Brad
  4. bradm

    Top this Dinghy

    Booche, you need help. Seriously. Aloha, Brad
  5. For those who read the article and wonder what "15-stone" means, a stone is a British unit of weight, equal to 14 pounds, so the dog weighed 210 pounds. Aloha, Brad
  6. Making art isn't a popularity contest. Making money making art often is. Aloha, Brad
  7. then you'd smell my boner all the way from Las Vegas. Waitaminnit...your boner has a different smell to it, depending on which specific artists are on stage? That kind of pheremonic aura needs to be bottled and used for medical experiments, methinks. Aloha, Brad
  8. That'd be the Phish cover/tribute band that can't do Friday night or Saturday matinee shows? Aloha, Brad
  9. bradm

    Top this Dinghy

    I suggest doing it on the Saturday night, during set break. Aloha, Brad
  10. There's a good jambase article on them, and I put up a video of them in the YouTube forum. Aloha, Brad
  11. He may look like Jerry, but his playing is radically different, to say the least. Aloha, Brad
  12. bradm

    moe. dvd

    The Canadian HMV/Amazon site lists it: http://www.amazon.ca/Live-Fillmore-DVD-moe/dp/B000GRTR6K/sr=1-11/qid=1160136880/ref=sr_1_11/701-2806582-7783552?ie=UTF8&s=dvd but it won't be available until late October. I don't know if HMV stores will stock it, but you could probably get one of them to order it in for you. Aloha, Brad
  13. According to http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/story/2006/10/05/penssale.html Aloha, Brad
  14. GEB is a wonderful book. I also have a collection of columns he did in Scientific American magazine. For several decades, Martin Gardner wrote a SciAm column called Mathematical Games. When Gardner retired the column, SciAm asked Hofstadter to write about whatever he wanted. He ended up calling his column Metamagical Themas, an anagram of "mathematical games". It's a really good reference for the prisoner's dilemma and related ideas. Aloha, Brad
  15. Does anybody know if the members of 'The Slip' chose that name for a reason, and if so, what it is? I ask because (I think) I remember Doulas Hofstadter writing about a colleague of his who left work, drove home, parked his car in the garage, shut it off, and took off his wristwatch. The reason he took off his wristwatch was that he didn't unfsaten his seatbelt: his brain had, in the processing of the command "unbuckle the seatbelt," slipped one place in its list-of-things-that-have-a-buckle from the seatbelt to the wristwatch; he had done the unbuckling, but just unbuckled the wristwatch instead of the seatbelt. I find myself noticing this kind thing over and over when I want to do this to that and end up doing somethng conceptually close to this to that or this to something conceptually close to that, and so it seems like the concept of this kind of 'slip' is a more common thing than just a quirk of brainm. So if I were to associate (not assign; more a what-it-means-to-me-thing) a meaning with 'The Slip' it would be something like those kind of slips. Aloha, Brad
  16. Wouldn't this mean you'd miss the Burt Neilson 10th anniversay show? Aloha, Brad
  17. Not quite. Your knowledge is second-hand, and, in legal terms, your story would be hearsay, in that you're not telling something that happened to your person, but something that happened to some other person and was told to you. (I'm not calling you or your fiend a liar, and if you meant "personal" as in your have a close personal relationship with someone who hooked them up with E, then I apologize for misunderstanding you.) Aloha, Brad
  18. bradm

    this is lovely

    The Conservatives also seem to have a mix-up between beliefs and behaviour. I saw a segment on CTV Newsnet last night about the (alleged) legislation*, with one Liberal, one NDP, and one Conservative. The Liberal and the NDP members took the position that the matter had been decided, that religious freedoms were protected under the current legislation, and that nothing needed to be done. The Conservative member then went on about how provincial officiators (e.g., Justices of the Peace) had to be protected from being fired for "their religious beliefs" if they didn't officiate same-sex marriages. I started speaking back to the TV in a raised voice: an officiator who's fired for not performing same-sex marriages is not being fired for his/her religious beliefs, he/she is being fired for not performing his/her job. If your job is to officiate marriages according to the law(s) in your province, then if you don't do that, you should be fired. It's the same as if the stated officiating hours were 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, but the officiator decides that nobody can be married between 2pm and 3pm because his/her favourite soap opera is on. It doesn't matter why an officiator declines to marry a couple, if he/she implements policy that's different (more restrictive, in particular) from the law, he/she should be disciplined or fired. Aloha, Brad * Would alleged legislation be allegislation?
  19. I guess I'm not a member of the public, as I didn't know anything about that (or even what the "that" is). Aloha, Brad
  20. bradm

    WTTS disc

    Another thing about the WTTS guys: they're really clever when it comes to putting on (and enhancing the visual effect of) their stage show. Inglewood Jack gleaned some neat ideas from them when we opened for them at Dekcuf in mid-September, the results of which will (we hope) be apparent at the next IJ gig. Aloha, Brad
  21. bradm

    WTTS disc

    From AllMusic's "Tarkus" entry Aloha, Brad
  22. You will be partying with him, just not all the time; we'll be sharing him. Aloha, Brad
  23. Who is their manager (management?) right now? Do they have a manager? Aloha, Brad
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