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Everything posted by bradm

  1. bradm

    WTTS disc

    Too true! Not enough bands strive for and revel in mediocrity. (For the record, I like "Turn" a lot. I almost hear a bit of Cake influence off the top of it.) Aloha, Brad
  2. Isn't the solution simply to restrict Phish to touring Canada only? I've heard people say that the quantity and quality of (harder) drugs in Canada pales in comparison to what's easily available in the USA. And, of course, they'd need a home base that has easy access to the two biggest cities in Canada, Montreal and Toronto; I suggest Ottawa. Let's see...Phish at Barrymore's, with The Slip opening up... Aloha, Brad
  3. He doesn't. He employs a dedicated team of professionals who provide him this service. The irony is that the more he uses this before-going-out service, the less money he has to enjoy while he's out. I'm accepting applications for a team of volunteers who'll do this for/to Booche; while the volunteers may not provide as high a quality of service, it'll free up Booche's resources so that he can really go out and have fun with it. Aloha, Brad
  4. According to a report on Canoe Aloha, Brad
  5. kitkat also has a review of the latest EP from Moses Mayes in this week's Ottawa XPress. Aloha, Brad
  6. I've read some Vinge: the novels "A Fire Upon The Deep" (one of the best SF novels I've ever read) and "A Deepness In The Sky" (which I don't think is nearly as good "A Fire Upon The Deep"), and the collections "Across Realtime", "Threats...and Other Promises", and "True Names...and Other Dangers", but not "Rainbow's End". I wouldn't call any of them dystopic, though "Across Realtime" deals with a new technology which can be used as a weapon. I've never read any David Foster Wallace, though. The main dystopic novel I've read is John Brunner's "The Sheep Look Up", but it's an environmental dystopia (based entirely on Earth, and one we easily recognize), not based around weapons. His other big "non-linear" novel, "Stand On Zanzibar", presents and takes place in a pretty dysfunctional society, but I'm not sure I'd call it dystopic. Which Spider Robinson do you mean? I haven't read a lot of his early novels (except for maybe "Stardance"), but I know his short fiction (especially the "Callahan's Bar" stories) is, if anything, more down the humourous end than the dystopic end. Does that help? Aloha, Brad
  7. I remember it clear as a bell. One thing I really remember is hearing this kind of calliope keyboard playing, and the audience going nuts; this, I found out later, was "Esther". I never saw another one. The "Sweet Adeline" first-set-closer, the a capella stretch in the second set, the "Good Times, Bad Times" encore, heck, even the opening bars of "Rift", the show opener, which was the first Phish music I ever heard, all still resound in my brain. I was on Page side, near the stage, when they started (what I later learned was) "You Enjoy Myself". I saw a guy bringing...what the heck?...trampolines? out...not to mention the vacuum cleaner solo during "Great Gig In The Sky". Aloha, Brad
  8. bradm

    vw Chameleon

    That Chameleon would be even cooler if it came with VW's latest option package. Aloha, Brad
  9. You mean with the black patent leather shoes, really reflecting up? Yeah, temptation might ensue. You could get altar boys instead...uh, maybe not... Aloha, Brad
  10. There isn't even a set list for 1989-07-01 in http://www.phish.net/setlists/1989.html#--89 (In fact, it doesn't list any shows between 1989-06-30 and 1989-08-12.) Aloha, Brad
  11. You don't have to, but it's more expensive at the door (it's $15 in advance). http://www.theblacksheepinn.com/ I love how the show is listed as starting at 4:20pm...(Note that this conflicts with the 3pm given in the announcement from Bidini. If I were going, I'd aim for 3pm.) Aloha, Brad
  12. Jaydawg, is there any way for someone who lives in Ottawa to get an advance ticket for this? Is it expected to sell out in advance? Aloha, Brad
  13. You mean sucked into another delicious lost vortex. Aloha, Brad
  14. I can't wait to miss this. I've been actively ignoring this series, and now the eagerly-awaited time has come to ignore this season's premiere. Aloha, Brad
  15. Uh, the trampolines were during "You Enjoy Myself". They didn't do "Bouncing..." that night. Aloha, Brad
  16. Has anybody seen this? I couldn't find it on YouTube (after doing a search for "phish tracking"). Aloha, Brad
  17. After spending all of last week and most of this week listening to downloaded music, I pulled a few CDs off the shelf this morning: Ginger Baker Trio - Falling Off The Roof Phish - Junta furnaceface - unsafe@anyspeed Aloha, Brad
  18. Tough, but not impossible, especially if the message and the music are combined. Hear, for example, Matisyahu. Aloha, Brad
  19. I actually believe this about you guys, but I'm disappointed that you lack the courage of your convictions: I'd think that a true full Christian (especially an evangelical one, though I don't know that you guys are evangelical) would actually want to go to a place like Amsterdam, to not only visit but confront the Devil in his own domain ("in the belly of the beast", so to speak), and try to save as many of the people who (unwittingly, a lot of them, I'm sure) have been cast under his spell. Yes, it'd be difficult, and not all who would engage in such a venture would survive (and some of them would succumb to quite horrible fates, I'm sure), but giving one's life for such a cause must surely be a worthy cause. Aloha, Brad
  20. Or maybe he has a big group of imaginary friends? Aloha, Brad
  21. They move to Ottawa and take up residency at Cafe Dekcuf every Tuesday night? Aloha, Brad
  22. One wonders why he needed 50% more than the usual 12... Aloha, Brad
  23. What do you do with/to the "Booche" teddy bear? Aloha, Brad
  24. I've had this one marked in my day-timer for weeks now. http://www.thejimmyswiftband.com http://www.myspace.com/tjsb http://www.sonicbids.com/davidlauzon http://www.myspace.com/davidlauzon http://www.babylonclub.ca Aloha, Brad
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