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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Can you guarantee he won't require any anti-biotics administered topically or otherwisely? Aloha, Brad
  2. bradm

    TPB movie

    I'm thinking the Borat-goes-to-Sunnyvale mash-up could be fun...Ricky offers Borat some hash, and it turns out that hash is one of the main products of Borat's village, and he just happens to have some with him, which he breaks out and which knocks Ricky (and Julian and Bubbles and Borat) on his ass. Ricky, Julian, and Borat then decide to back to Borat's village, and import a whole bunch of the stuff, to make their fortune. They get busted in Khazikstan, and the rest of the movie is a sort of Borat/TPB send-up of Midnight Express... Aloha, Brad
  3. bradm

    TPB movie

    I think someone should do a mash-up of them, so that Borat shows up in Sunnyvale, or Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, and the gang go to Khazikstan. Aloha, Brad
  4. I don't feel guilty about, because you're right: there is some killer stuff on it (e.g., "Your Time Is Gonna Come", "I Can't Quit You Baby", and even "Moby Dick", with Tortelvis quoting from Mellville's novel). It was also the only LZ music I had on CD for a long while, as I owned all the (studio) LPs (except "Coda"), and was reluctant to re-buy music I already owned. (I've since bought "Presence" and "Physical Graffiti" on CD.) Inglewood Jack needs to hire a guy to hand us towels on stage... Aloha, Brad
  5. I understand. We'll have to practise our FatCatsMindMeldSetList skills (they start playing a song, I beam it towards you, you beam back the song title, I write it down) just in case. Aloha, Brad
  6. Getting back to the topic at hand, Alabama Man, are you coming up to Ottawa for this one? Aloha, Brad
  7. I'm just finishing Zilla 2006-05-26, another recently-well-reviewed show from the LMA, by a band I'd never heard before. The music is instrumental, and in (to my ears, anyway) has a trippy techno/rave feel to it. I can easily see tweeked-out kids dancing really hard to it. I'm currently downloading a recording of the "jam room" from the 2006 Jam Cruise: four and a half hours of no-set-list jamming, including Steve Kimock and a bunch of other people. I think that'll be Monday's music...pretty much all of Monday... Aloha, Brad
  8. bradm


    While I would never counsel someone to lie, you might want to take a second and see if you have a stomache ache or other form of distress down that way. If you ate at a pot luck lunch, it's possible you downed something that "disagrees" with you, especially if there were foods you weren't familiar with. Aloha, Brad
  9. The October calendar for Barrymore's now lists Hylozoists, The John Henrys, All Of Your Friends, and My Architects (UK) for Saturday, Oct. 7, which is confirmation enough for me that they're doing the gig. (I'm not sure I'll be there, though, as one opening set by TJH, sandwiched amidst three other bands I don't know, doesn't really get me excited.) Aloha, Brad
  10. I remember hearing an interview with Kevin Breit, and the interview asked him a similar question: how did he end up on, for example, a Norah Jones recording? Breit replied that a lot of it was due to producers: if Norah's producer knows/knew (of) Kevin, he might ask him to sit in on a session. Then, if it worked out, Kevin would be an obvious choice for later sessions (and sessions for other artists by the same producer). Aloha, Brad
  11. After the word "" you have a "quote" inside square brackets; it should be "/quote". -----begin meggo post----- agreed! i like that new song... 'ain't no other man'. i've had some good car dancing moments there. -----end meggo's post----- Aloha, Brad
  12. I'm looking forward to it, too, in large part for the mix of the two acts: KS (as far as I can tell) is down the disco/lounge/funk (with a horn section) end of things, and having your (instrumental, sometimes introspective) guitar music before it should make for a fun meeting of cultures. Aloha, Brad
  13. According to http://www.zaphodbeeblebrox.com/index.php?release=elkas Peter Elkas, along with Lindy and and Paper Moon will be playing at Zaphod Beeblebrox in Ottawa on Wednesday, Nov. 8. It'll be a blast to see him in Ottawa again, but it's bummerific that it'll be a three-band bill at a bar that ends the music at 11pm. Aloha, Brad
  14. I've got Backyard Tire Fire 2006-09-22 playing right now. I'd heard of, but never heard, these guys, and this show popped up as a "recently reviewed" show on the LMA, and was given 5/5 stars, so I decided to take a chance. Musically, it's sort of good ol' boy honky-tonk acoustic stuff, more country than bluegrass. I'm not sure I'd travel to see these guys (based on what I've heard so far), but if I were at a festival where they played, or if they came to town, I'd definitely check them out. Aloha, Brad
  15. bradm

    I Need Help

    I've heard that love can move mountains; can it move pianos? Aloha, Brad
  16. That's probably because you didn't bring Heineken with you when you came over. Aloha, Brad
  17. I just e-mailed him about the nero re-union shows, and mentioned UM and you; I told him that if he ends up at Higher Ground, he should wander around yelling, "Who's got my heady Canadians?" Aloha, Brad
  18. You might try e-mailing him (his address is in his profile, I think). He's out in the sticks and only has dial-up, so may not get on websites such as this very much. Aloha, Brad
  19. Anybody want to have a "Stern MarcO Look-Alike Contest" at set break? My money's on Douglas. Aloha, Brad
  20. I've got Derek Trucks Band 2002-08-31 from moe.down going right now. This was sparked by a discussion I had with my boss's boss, who was at the Clapton show in Ottawa and said he liked Derek's playing (he had also seen him when ABB played Blues Fest a couple of years ago). I pointed him at the LMA, DTB's shows on the LMA, and Robert Randolph's shows, just for good measure. Aloha, Brad
  21. bradm

    upgrade news

    I think I figured it out: for a smiley to be recognized (and converted from its text form to the graphic), there has to be a whitespace before and after the smiley. For example, ( ) will be recognized as a smiley, while () will not. But when a recognized smiley gets processed, the trailing (but not the preceding) whitespace gets "eaten" by the processing (look at the recognized smiley above: it's flush up against the closing parenthesis, even though there was a blank between the text form of the smiley and the parenthesis itself when I typed it), which in the case of a newline means the next blank line get eliminated. Aloha, Brad
  22. mattm, definitely contact Vermontdave. He lives in Jericho, VT, which is a bit outside Burlington, but he's an essential Vermonter to meet, if he's going to the show. (I first met him at a nero show in Burlington, VT in 2002. ) Aloha, Brad
  23. bradm

    I Need Help

    I'm almost hoping \/\/illy lives on the second floor (or has to get it from a room on a second floor), and tries to do the "dangle the piano out the window and slowly lower/raise it to/from the ground" thing, just as that elderly woman with the annoying yap-dog is taking her little pooch for walkies... Aloha, Brad
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