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Everything posted by bradm

  1. We need a name for fans of dave-O's music..."Daveheads" seems a little non-distinct (what if another Dave starts performing and attracking fans?)...I think "head-Os" (with a lower-case "h") is the term to use. We could even start producing our own breakfast cereal... Aloha, Brad
  2. Note that according to http://www.ottawaxpress.ca/music/music.aspx?iIDArticle=10401 there's an opening act: Seth Lakeman. Aloha, Brad
  3. I got my ticket a while ago, and I'm hoping to record the show as well. Aloha, Brad
  4. It's available at http://www.archive.org/details/rre2006-01-14fob and http://www.archive.org/details/rre2006-01-14.akg481.larson.flac16 Aloha, Brad
  5. I didn't know Booche had a striped hat. Aloha, Brad
  6. One particular model of external hard drive that Sun Microsystems used to make was known for seizing, and the standard way of getting it working again was to pick it up about 10" off a hard surface, and drop it. It usually worked, and didn't seem to harm the drive. "If it doesn't work, hit it with a hammer. If it breaks, it needed fixing anyway." Aloha, Brad
  7. Since you won't be using the house anymore for rehearsal, Doc, are you going to need someone to whack you in the head repeatedly with a 1x8? My rates are reasonable, there's a money-back guarantee*, and appointments can be arranged at your convenience. Aloha, Brad * Basically, if you end up still capable of demanding your money back, I'll either give you your money back, or whack you in the head some more until you forget to demand your money back.
  8. nero 2003-08-29, from moe.down. For some reason (maybe because there's only FLAC files available, and I usually just download MP3s at work), I hadn't downloaded and listened to this one before, but man, this sounds good. It comes rip-roaring out of the gate, with a throng of cheering fans along for the ride from the git-go. How many days until Jan 12, 2007? Aloha, Brad
  9. Who's got my heady keyboard cleaner? Aloha, Brad
  10. Shouldn't that be "Mogul"? Aloha, Brad
  11. When you're doing it or when you're watching it? Aloha, Brad
  12. From http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/2006/09/21/1872876.html Aloha, Brad
  13. d_rawk's "wtf" comment about the Bible brought to mind a good one to read: Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed The Bible and Why by Bart Ehrman. It could have been a lot drier than it is, and it could have been a lot more damning of the Bible than it is, but it ends up striking the right chord (with me, anyway), giving concrete examples of how/where the Bible has been changed, and the problems that textual scholars face when trying to find out what's original and what isn't. It's also a pretty easy read, and not that thick. Aloha, Brad
  14. bradm

    band names

    The Veady Hibes The Beady Hives The Hidey Veabs Aloha, Brad
  15. Maybe he's just really lithe and flexible, with really high cubicle dividers? Aloha, Brad
  16. I note that you didn't (also) say no post-show at 1017... Aloha, Brad
  17. bradm

    upgrade news

    I noticed that the "My Skank" menu doesn't have the "Toggle Sidebar" item anymore. I leave the sidebar hidden, because I find it takes up a lot of room, but like to check it once in a while, to see if there's anything new. Is the sidebar gone completely, or has the toggling function been moved somewhere? Aloha, Brad
  18. Could you guys wear Phish t-shirts tomorrow? Thanks. aloha, Brad
  19. bradm

    upgrade news

    Strangely enough, the "All" now shows up for the topic which didn't have it moments ago. Aloha, Brad
  20. bradm

    upgrade news

    I just looked, and "All" shows up for me, but only on some topics. For example, this one, which is currently at two pages, shows "1 2 All", while this one, which is also at two pages, shows "1 2 ...". Note that I'm talking about what shows up in the main topic list. Once you open the topic, the first one, which has "All", has "Page 1 of 2 ALL 1 2" displayed at the top right, while the second one is missing the "All". I wonder if it has anything to do with when the topic was created? That is, topics that were created before the upgrade have "All", while those created after the upgrade don't? Aloha, Brad
  21. The thing I find interesting is that, if this had happened in Canada, Willie would normally have been charged with possession for the purposes of trafficing, which is a much more serious charge than just possession. Possession for the purposes of trafficing is defined as having more than a certain amount of the substance with intent to traffic in it, and it's presumed that you were going to traffic in it; this allows the charge to be laid without actually having to catch the person selling (or attempting to sell) the substance. The interesting thing is that this charge has what's called a "reverse onus clause", which means that you have to prove your innocence to be found not guilty, which would mean that Willie would have to prove he didn't intend to sell the drugs, and that they were for his personal use. I would love to see the trial in Canada during which Willie proved (because I believe he could) that 1.5 pounds of marijuana was merely for his personal use... Aloha, Brad
  22. bradm


    Wenches! We'll need wenches, too! Please, won't someone think of the wenches? Aloha, Brad
  23. moe. 2003-06-29, from Vernon Downs, NY. I was at this one (with Booche, Davey Boy, CatPhish, Velvet, Hux, and maybe a few others), and it was moe. first, then Willie Nelson, then The Dead. Aloha, Brad
  24. Cool! I'm usually asleep at 11pm on Mondays, but if I ever manage to come down (or stay up, depending on your point of view) with insomnia, I know what I'll be listening to. One idea I had (about GRUVLIX, actually, but it could apply equally to the new show) would be to try to play music (live recordings, ideally) by artists that are going to be in town in the coming week, as sort of a "featured show" kind of thing. For example, the big show (as far as I'm concerned) this week is Billy Bragg on Saturday at The Capital Music Hall; there are loads of live Bragg shows here, and a cut or two from, say, this one might be good. Aloha, Brad
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