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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Everything posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. camping sites are all soaked up but overflow camping is NEVER full....can't get a site till the thurs. before the festival though.
  2. they just don't want to stand alone in line!
  3. I always thought that was when you put vodka in a Mcdonalds shake...
  4. you are going to create a new file each time you split - copy the piece into it and increment the track#.....CDWAV does the same thing only does this part automatically....sometimes with a DJ mix I'd just put markers in every 15 minutes or something instead of every track...
  5. m just puts a marker in - put the marker where you want the track split to be. click between the start of the wav file and the marker to highlight that area - ctrl-c to copy - ctrl-n new file - ctrl-v paste into that file. Save as "the mix that kix track1" or what have you....when you make the second track split, you click between it and the last marker...rinse and repeat.
  6. well that's that then. Party at my house friday night! And if you need to stay in line for tix you might as well stay...it's less than a 10 minute walk to the Hillside office!
  7. How would I know? I didn't see anything that wasn't happening in my head that afternoon....hehehe ...but point of note they also played at Hillside Inside so doubtful again this summer. I'd look at some of the Hillside Inside lineup that hasn't played the summer fest in recent years (K'naan, Great Lake Swimmers, D'urbervilles) as suggestions... And yeah - Monsieur Tonin is right, it's easier to have and get rid of then just plain not have tix. Soooo...that being said, Run with the Kittens is playing on Friday night in Guelph, makes for a great night before standing in line if anyone is interested!!
  8. Happy Birthday fellow Aries - good to see ya in O-town!
  9. sick with Hasselcrotch? I'd say the same for the notion of 'tantric hockey' !!
  10. In KW, look at the Go! Festival that is going on this weekend - they booked up every club/bar they could, Gig Music Hall, Maxwell's etc etc ...and it's a pretty cool festival, lotsa fun bands-
  11. thank you thank you thank you!!! I love youse guys...
  12. ouch - and a suspension ta boot! What a shitty way to get dinged for that.
  13. and the liquor store isn't dishing out bags in the near future either...
  14. would love to see explosions in the sky over BSS even, but i am f'ing sick of Thunderheist...I had my Technotronic days already...
  15. super easy - the ferry is a fun and quick ride. might have to wait for a ferry or two on the way out but 1/2 hr to hour tops... This was for Virgin fest in 2006
  16. excellent Dead Milkmen reference. Kudos!
  17. 4 days too late for that to work...
  18. finally, I can buy cheap shit from China, get some crap MacDonalds AND Jovi tickets all at one place. Truly onestop shopping.
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