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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Everything posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. hehehehe jeebus. Facepalming - it's like high-fiving yourself over someone elses idiocy!
  2. indeed - much the same as NW, maybe even with cock out...you just don't know these days..
  3. Great show yes! Nice to run into you as well phishtaper! Actually, great to successfully run into so many folks without a working cellphone(you don't get alot of features for $11.30/month!) can't wait till Cali...
  4. http://www.courant.com/community/hartford/hc-phish-arrests-0815,0,173950.story
  5. This is, by far, the best thing to ever come out of Florida. http://jacksonville.com/specials/metalchart
  6. If you want the ladies to dance, better put on the Kenny Chesney...
  7. Golden girls aren't fantasy - that's reality in my world...
  8. Tell me this isn't the greatest thing ever! http://www.getshiprocked.com/ RATT, Queensryche, Tesla, AND Skidrow? All my 14yr old fantasies did come true....just a couple decades later than I thought...
  9. PM me - I am going to run into skanks from Ottawa and London this weekend who can get them to you...or I am in KW/Guelph...I will be checking my pm/email one last time at 4pm for the weekend--
  10. i've got spacs! and will see ottowans this weekend that could get them up there! lawns.....pm me! 2-3 available...
  11. 2nds on the NASA - forgot i've been cranking it lately too. David Byrne, Method Man, Ol Dirty....great production!
  12. mmm i've been cranking a bunch lately from the classic 36 Chambers and Gang Starr to Lil' brother and snippets of timbaland produced stuff...have another hiphop EP project coming up and looking for ideas.... BUT - in the car I crank El-p's 'I'll Sleep When You're Dead' I think you'd dig that one...first track is called Tasmanian Pain Coaster! How can you go wrong. And with a send-up of scientology and a sci-fi track about falling in love on a prison spaceship, it keeps yer interest....
  13. my last 'evening with cake' lasted 50 minutes....at $1/minute...jeebus.
  14. golden but they are brutal, I hear good things about execulink...
  15. it's a pretty crazy setup...one of the companies I work for is supplying all the amplifiers for this tour(160 amplifiers at ~10,000 watts each!!) so we saw lots of behind the scenes videos and pics when soundcheck went down...
  16. Wow the Imperial pub! cool - is it upstairs in the Library pub part? We used to get a beer and drop acid there before every concert back in the mid-90's.....
  17. Classic. http://thedailyswarm.com/headlines/david-byrne-calls-u2s-world-tour-overkill-and-out-balance-given-all-starving-people-africa/
  18. yeah funny I loved Cracked mag as a kid, way more than MAD - and there site is pretty damn solid! Article had me at the audio cables - laugh at that all the time but they had me on the energy drinks: Staying conscious is hard. There's awareness and cognition and all sorts of other shit that just wants to harsh your mellow.
  19. sure woudln't be for Damo! He's the Yoko Ono of Can...
  20. they play this weekend in Meaford at Eclectic Electric fest...
  21. oh shit one of the N2O mafia escaped! http://www.newsherald.com/news/inhaling-76165-arrested-police.html
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