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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Everything posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. ok the really freaky thing about that first video is the single sax player sounds like a MIDI trumpet chord and the live bass player sounds like MIDI keys....but the tablas sound authentic and even the shit sitar player with that shit pedestrian wank sounds real unfortunately. Christ it's like 'Sitars on 45' or something....bizarre. I like the sitar - ravi shankar still rules the roost for bringing it to western shores and showing off how it can kick - there's a great vid of the Dick Cavett show...looks like it's coming back after a commercial break with a bearded George Harrison sitting on the couch that cuts to Ravi Shankar playing...
  2. ok if the important thing here is 'on a budget' then go software...this is one of the most pirated genres of software, prolly right behind games! Everything is out there, something simple and great to learn step sequencing and drum/bass interaction is ReBirth, hell of a lot easier to get your feet wet there than in a overly complex program like Reason. if you have to have hardware and wanna get your fingers wet then grab an old Groovebox - mc-505 or what not...drums, bass, squelch, twist blink, twitch...i'm pretty sure it has all those techno buttons and they are dirt cheap used...again, great place to start, instant gratification.
  3. ...it was fantabulous! Just the right amount of peacock.
  4. Happy Birthday you big hunka man you!
  5. Yeah Kinger! Happy B'day, have a good stag too!
  6. Hey Rob - we sell those Arriba bags where I work. Alternatively most companies that make powered speakers make a bag or little rollie thing for them - JBL Eon's, Mackie SRM, RCF, Yorkville etc...good idea, only a couple DJ's I know do that for their gigs. An alternate is just a cover for the speaker, as most powered speakers have a handle to carry them with...but then pedalboard etc would have to go in another case. Check out offerings from Gator Cases or Odyssey cases - they make lots of cool related stuff...
  7. no worries on the mono PA - the microphone placements are to replicate the sense of space/environment in a given room - in really small clubs the onstage placements of amps will be detectable. ...and given you have a R4 - experiment a little! you've got a room set up for post-production, use it for that - Do a simple matrix mix of a stereo board feed and a stereo mic mix. Dump both in the computer, compress and eq all different ways to get a feel for how they interact. At the gig, measure the distance between the microphones and the PA, then google how to determine how much that means you slide the soundboard track in time vs. the mic track...the info is out there. Great boards: messageboard.tapeop.com recording.org recforums.prosoundweb.com and taperssection as mentioned above - Another fun one: Record a 2 stereo mic/1 mono board feed/1 mic on stage show on the 4 tracks, dump it into software, and start manipulating it. Try radical eq'ing, like cutting all the high end from the board feed and cutting all the low end from the mono board mix and finding where they blend together for a cohesive mix, then bring up the stereo mics for a sense of 'being there' Play with compressors and eq's while balancing volumes. Draw in envelopes, don't be afraid to smash some things sonically and mix it in somewhere...unlimited tracks and unlimited undoes facilitate learning through experimenting. Just remember - if it works, write it down, save the preset, snapshot the screen, videotape the session...whatever it takes so you can replicate it. The R4 is versatile to record a multitrack show - grab a mono vocal, kick/overhead drums, bass, gtr/keys if there are subgroups on the mixer - experiment with mixing that, lots of neat tricks to make it sound stereo...if it's an instrumental band, even better: kick, oh, gtr, bass would make a tidy little album i'm sure. The mic pre's on the R4 leave lots to be desired - don't buy that horrible ART thing - find a decent 4 channel mic pre to interface with your R4 - once you are recording 8 tracks through your presonus, no doubt a couple tracks will be DI's or line level keys or something...spend the money on 4 decent pre's first. On a semi-related but not really note- i'm selling most of my studio in the buy/sell/trade section...
  8. No wonder he seemed like a teenager when we partied...hehehe Happy B'day my man - see you in a month!
  9. Happy B'day! Been a long time....say hi to the missus for me too!
  10. Awesome show, so amazing to see it in such an intimate venue...God Damn Jessica Darling was hot. Nice to finally meet ya Briguy!
  11. pfft how about an entire heavy metal band that plays a rock-opera about the life of moses??? http://www.capturedbyrobots.com/
  12. actually - the dude really does sing, and he's good at it! We just did a private show for them down here(Home Hardware Gala no less!) and I was surprised to see that he still belts it out...no trickery, no backing tracks...
  13. oh god yesss it is awesome. That is reality tv. Serve and Protect is hilarious too, eh? hehehe
  14. yeah really between that track and 'the funky drummer' 10 new musical genres must have been born...
  15. facking brilliant. Award worthy comeback!! I salute thee.
  16. Damnit, don't really want to do it but it's an early show and I just cannot get outta work fast enough. Doors at 6, show at 6:30 - added bonus(es) - it's Nuit Blanche in Toronto, and Backbacon will be there! I'm in Guelph/KW... edit to add:$20 each!
  17. we had some reclaimed lighting truss at work we had decided to use in house to decorate the place...it had come from the now defunct 'dollhouse' or maybe 'roxannes' but whatever...a strip bar nonetheless...and of course it takes some real elbow grease to scrub the magical stripper dust off it....I helped with it's cleanup, and out of that came the manliest of names, a name for the king of men or at least 80's porn... TRUSS BUFFER damn I like it. how hard is it to legally switch?
  18. great tunes! trying to reason out going with the pain of knowing I work the next morning...
  19. Johnny Greenwood will not be there - it's a DJ and the symphony playing a composition of his....that's straight from the Symphony guy who just picked up the gear...
  20. sweet christ someone tell me why no one has picked up on this pictorial simile for jerking off?? I just checked this thread now and there it is! It's even got the quotable text! ...ok so anyway...b3 pedals. not actually much bass in there - it's a lot of distortion on the harmonics - tube amps and old papercone big ass woofers...and probably a leslie too. So an old amp, distortion and chorus pedals and all the highs rolled-off on the bass should get you in the ball park. Might be a little too much up to the bass/amp combo. If you are thinking loooowwww bass pedals maybe the Moog taurus I/II?
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