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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. holy crap schwa! That's the big winner right there Chili always tastes better after a day of rest... Jaybone, are you paying attention? We should be eating this sunday.
  2. I've yet to master a chili, but I reckon there's some people on here that have - any great recipes you'd care to share?
  3. Agreed. fantastic burgers... Don't know if I can say I love it more than In n Out, but it's about as good as you're going to get for fast food.
  4. Ever paid $7-9 for a loaf of bread? Sadly, yes. It's not your everyday rugglar eatin' loaf, but a good artisan bread really makes a great accent to any meal.
  5. It's throat punches from me if you don't...
  6. ohnonono... it's all about brochella.
  7. Wouldn't there be camping at a fest like this?
  8. New material maybe? Hoping...
  9. Huzzah! Great news I will be hitting at least two of these...
  10. Sriracha infographic. So hot right now...
  11. Exactly. If someone asked not to be an idiot instead of being an idiot, I would also likely cancel.
  12. bring on the packers. Fuck y'all, cheeseheads.
  13. Ok, maybe I'm missing something here, but who specifically told Picard he couldn't serve foie gras?
  14. O SNAP! I reaaaaaally wanted Flay to lose there. And by lose, I mean have his face vitamix'd
  15. Have you tried a hotspot blocker? I use hotspot shield specifically to watch US content - might work in the reverse.
  16. Wait, is this a weekend thang, or just a one nighter?
  17. After googling Farmtini, it appears there's a single recipe out there called the Oldfield Farmtini which requires the following... Blackberry dessert wine, raspberry liqueur, Vodka, Apple juice Doesn't seem so 'farmy' to me. Although, the phonetics of the that previous sentence might suggest to me that pharmys may be a crucial additive in the creation of our own unique Perth Farmtini. It should be a double blind testing process too, we add the pharms to the cocktail shaker based solely upon by related and complimentary colours to the cocktail. Discuss. Ok, so who's got my heady pharmacist?
  18. Well if you don't feed him, of course he's going to look like a bundle of sticks. Geez, dave...
  19. Jesus titty fucking christ, Bradm - where do you find time to eat and or sleep?
  20. This looks like it would be a helluva one-two punch! D'oh! Just remembered I'll be someplace awesome w/ muh lady. Party on, dudes...
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