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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. If I might make a suggestion here... you may want to create a soundcloud account and use that instead/as well. People can comment at specific points in your track share it with their friends and it's easy to link to from your FB page. MySpace seems to be and has for some time now been on a major downward trajectory. It's not to say there aren't a lot of people still going there, but there are so many profiles and so much spam that the odds of having people find your page organically are slim. They've lost almost 30million of their daily reach over the last 12 months and it's not looking good. http://siteanalytics.compete.com/myspace.com/ Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/
  2. I also notice the Ascot Royals are playing twice on that bill. Lucky them!
  3. fluffhead77


    They were delicious! Boiled in a court bouillion no less!!!
  4. I'm starting to hate cilantro a little less every month. I'm conditioning myself little by little. Soon, I will like that vile plant. Yessss, soooooon, mwuuuhahahahahahahahaha! Sounds good, dude - nice flavour profile with the grilled stuff.
  5. Jay and I are loud mouth assholes - I'm sure we could yell at the crowd for ya Or you could just bring some for us to eat
  6. What did you go with?
  7. Nice additional tracks - like them.
  8. once again, Canadian TV really shows what it's made of...
  9. http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2011/april/king-of-limbs-radiohead comes with two 10" pieces of vinyl, a newspaper designed by Stanley donwood and a SHEET OF PERFORATED BLOTTER PAPER WITH RADIOHEAD SYMBOLS ON IT! This screams DOSE ME! I wouldn't be surprised if there's a ton of L the next time they tour.
  10. Dear Whiny fucks, You people that are complaining are fucking retarded. Just shut yer pie holes and thank someone you live in a city that consistently puts on a great music fest year after year. The lineup is great, so STFU and go back to work. Love, me
  12. I just grabbed book one a few months ago, haven't cracked it yet.
  13. Anyone with a pair of extras they can't use because Jesus told them not to go?
  14. ha! funny to hear this on the jammy messageboard. I just think feedback isn't as innovative as it could be. Dude - they were re-creating a classic album, innovation is really part of the lexicon here. Their compositions featuring feedback as part of the structure of the song are tight as hell. Jammy message board? This isn't the foodeze forum or Davey Boy's kitchen, you know.
  15. Woah. http://gingerbreadcake.wordpress.com/2011/04/13/cadbury-creme-egg-brownies/
  16. Your your delightfully chubby avatar is making me ______________. (Fill in the blanks)
  17. bets on whether or not TCC is going to suck like most other Canadian programing?
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