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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. Shit. That looks pretty fuggin awesome.
  2. Happy day sir! May your glass be full and your tapes be crispy!
  3. I hear ya - the tickets are MASSIVE!! August seems so far away...
  4. fluffhead77


    boo yeah! I would mos def eat that - but the remorse and stomach pains to follow might be more that it's worth.
  5. Seriously, how fucking awesome is Marvin Gaye?!? i watched this no less than 5 times in a row the first time I saw it.
  6. faaaaack you guys. Couldn't get the pavillion - but got four lawns...
  7. We're booked in at the Sunset Motel (http://www.sunsetmotelinc.com/) $69 per night.
  8. fuck it - the last time they played there it poured and they raged! I got denied both SPAC and Darien, but a friend of mine I think got me a Darien tix so I'm stoked!
  9. No - but it sounds interesting.
  10. oh man - that's brutal! Positive vices for you Kev!
  11. I used to be a starbucks hater and Timmie's enthusiast, but the decline in quality at TH and availability of SB(I live next to one)really have me singing a different tune. Tim's just sucks now...
  12. depending on where he got them from, that may have been the best use for those particular cheeseburgers.
  13. Wow - CZECH... shit that's a name I haven't heard in a LONG TIME! Used to see that guy all the time back in the day... Thanks Jay!
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