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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. I just grabbed the BEST dinner music disc i've heard in a looooooooong time - it's a fantastic all around listener though too. Allen Toussaint - The Bright Mississippi. Enjoy It.
  2. I feel like I'm listening to bad 80's progressive pop...
  3. Thoughts? Interesting to say the least...
  4. Thanks for sharing! PArt one is broken however...
  5. Happy Happy JULES!!! Hope it's a grand one
  6. fluffhead77


    Lines you hear in seedy, perverted fish markets
  7. Happy birthday AB! Have a magical day filled with rainbows, lollipops unicorns and some hardcore pornography!
  8. I've got wicked awesome 5 year old balsamic right now that would prolly make it too sweet, but maybe I'll try it with a much younger one. Think a white wine vinegar would hold up?
  9. fluffhead77

    Foie Gras

    Jesus titty fucking christ - that looks delicious!
  10. So so so bad, it's going to be amazing! IN 3D! Starring Lorenzo Lamas and DEBBIE MOTHERFUCKING GIBSON! wow. I'm still an idiot and don't know how to post videos, so here's the you tube link.
  11. ^^^ haven't tried this recipe yet, but it did look a tad on the sweet side for my liking... Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. This new album is particularly amazing.
  13. THanks Scott- this is awesome - loving it!
  14. Holy fuckinghell that Mothers Day song is fuckingwicked awesome!!
  15. I'm disapointed. I thought this was going to be an ode to some giant canoli Dinghy ate last night.
  16. Holy Crap - that's awesome!
  17. fluffhead77


    we didn't get all the way through - I think we ate 300 of the 400 and we kept shucking throughout the evening. I think almost everyone at the party had a go - it was fun!
  18. fluffhead77


    Rossolee gettin' his shuck on... The Oysters led to a vicious T shirt slogan offensive...
  19. fluffhead77


    This was round 1 of 4. All in all I think we ate something close to 280-290 oysters...
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