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Question of the Day


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I have to pre-qualify this with some data....

I dated this girl in Elementary and High School (a total of 4 yrs, 3 1/2 in elementary and 1/2 of 9th grade). We went to Catholic School where the girls didn't really start putting out until 9th - 10th grade, yes that means that I was at least in the 9th grade before losing "it", anyway, she called me two days before my 25th birthday and said that she wanted to see me and give me a present. She was the present.

But that wasn't the best part of the present. See, she took a job in Seattle and was set to leave Memorial Day Weekend which happens to fall about 4 days after my birthday each year. We never left my house for those 4 days. That was the best present EVER!!!! 14 years I waited for that present.

I guess good things do come to he who waits!

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Hands down, the year I got the At-At walker, the millenium falcon, and figures galore. (ie- before my aunt had their own families) No toys will ever beat the coolness of Starwars toys. and qulity, they last forever~! wish i didn't sell them all at garage sales, but i think i still have 12 snow troopers and 15 greedos lying around.

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I'd say my best gift was, in high school my parents would go to Vegas the week of my March break, which always coincided with my B-Day. So a week long birthday party was my gift! Yee Haa!


I have an AT-AT for sale. Missing the two chin guns. Alsewise, I think it's all there. I'm just the agent, I'll have to check with the owner about the price. I also have these in their original 1983 Kenner packages:

Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit)



Hans Solo (Bespin Outfit)

(various conidtions - ask for details)

Plus a shoot load of unpackaged figures - 40+

I'm going to put these up on ebay soon. I'm looking to make some money for the upcoming tour season. I get 20% of sales!

make me an offer !

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coolest birthday present ever - a friend of mine wrote a song for me. And not some cheesey little "its your birthday la-la-la", it was an actual beautiful song. I was utterly flattered and it has remained the best gift ever.

As for birthday show, I've got the shaft on that one (AUG 31st) until last year at moe.down. It rained and rained and rained and rained, and was W-I-N-D-Y and I went to bed early. So not the best birthday show, but the only.

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I have racked my brain all day over this damn question. How can it be that I have yet to have a really spectacular birthday??? I am definitely going to try harder this year. Next question H.

moe.ron, I love that storey!

American Nomad, you make it sound as though grade 9 is OLD to loose one's virginity. To me, 14 sounds pretty young. What are you American's up to? Is grade 9 normal there? Is grade 9 normal here? I feel old.

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I know what you mean ms. Huxie! Sheesh - grade 9 is totally young to lose virginity (I think) - maybe I'm old fashioned. Maybe those americans felt the pressure to be a man and all that after school special stuff, because everone knows you're not really a man until you've had sex. (I'm being sarcastic - just to clarify)

But seriously, I can't stay silent about this not'putting out'until gr.9 business. Do you only see girls as sexual objects? If so you need to get into the 21st century and realize that if somone chooses not to have sex that is their decision. So what if someone is 25 and chooses not to have sex yet - does that make them 'square', are they not 'cool'. Let alone teenage girls - they have enough to go through without thinking that they are doing something wrong by not 'putting out' before gr.9. Please if you have daughters someday don't pressure them to have sex to please the boys, they will decide when its right for them.

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moe.ron and ladies, i think you're reading too much into that post. he's just sort of saying they didn't have sex, not that it is the norm to have sex before grade 9.. (i think).. I dont think many people agree that grade 9 is the time to start slammin, but many people do start then- to each their own.. it was just a nice precursory (word?) tale to the actual gift he got well into adulthood. I think.

on an pretty unrelated note, my first girlfriend (from grade 5) is a lesbian. i think we kissed once, and she punched me in the balls twice. weirdo.

blush.gif" border="0

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methinks american nomad said he dated her for a while in the past, jumped forward a few years to when they were both around 25, then 'exchanged presents'. unless he was 25 and she was in grade 9... (just kidding nomad...) i think he said the beginning stuff about grade 9, catholic school etc as background...

go back and re-read the post and see for yourself.


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Last year, my girlfriend and brother secretly arranged for my Dad to come over to Scotland for Christmas (he lives in Ottawa).

I was in a bar in Leith (the port area of Edinburgh) with said younger brother, giving him Christmas presents to deliver to family in Canada. He was to leave the next day, to stay with Dad over the holidays.

We had a few beers, and were chatting away happily (me occasionally saying "make sure you don't miss your flight tomorrow"), when who should walk into my local but the Old Man himself.

Much hilarity - "just in time, it's your round" etc etc. He stayed for two weeks, and we had a top holiday.

Surprise presents are best, because they show that the other person is thinking of you without being prompted to!

Wait a minute - for my birthday that year (b-day in December), she gave me a surprise weekend at a converted lighthouse hotel on the west coast of Scotland. We were meant to be driving to Glasgow to do some Christmas shopiing - it was only when we missed the last turn off to Glasgow that I suspected anything. What a woman. Must marry her...

I'm beginning to realise that I will have to raise my game on the old presents front...

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Exile....I didn't know we had anyone in exile....is there any good music for you to listen to over there? I guess I shouldn't say "good"...since you are posting on the "phish" sanctuary I guess i'm wondering if you get a chance to see any "jambands" or is it all U2 and the Cranberrys cover bands?

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

*just kidding about the last part there....

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Hey Giggles - music over here is just fine. I must say that I probably err on the side of techno dance music and some of the "post-rave" stuff that is around. Arab Strap a good example of the latter.

Or, my pal's outfit Bows...(CD available at Black Tomato in Ottawa, I noticed), which is sort of stop-start mellow drum and bass with female singing in Danish. Air (from France) are great, as is the wonderful BJ Cole.

But in term of "jam bands", I guess there there would be less of a scene here than in North America. Not sure why...maybe 15 years of neo-liberal conservatism under the Tories knocked any slightly hippyish residual "non-structured" thinking out of people's heads?! Then again, maybe not.

We survive, but it would be nice to see a nero show in Edinburgh!! Everyone here thinks that Canadian music starts with Rush, prgresses to Bryan Adams, and ends with Celine Dion...

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I went to a concert on my birthday once. Well, sort of...it didn't start on my birthday, but since it went past midnight, it counts.

The night was filled with good friends having a seriously fun time, with a band that was having as much fun as the audience, putting on a show that I can recall as if it were yesterday. I had been going through a bit of a rough time around then, and the shared joy was helping enormously to buoy my mood back to its usual levels.

When midnight came, there was an explosion of happy energy, that was almost better than New Year's Eve, because *we* were the ones who decided it was time to have a party.

I didn't actually get any presents (almost nobody knew it was my birthday), and I didn't care: happiness and fun are sometimes the best thing you can give.


BRAD (Birthdays Really Are Delightful)

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Best gift ever!

One of those red and black bikes with the fake gas tank on it and SHOCKS! i was the coolest kid on my block for at least 36 hours.

I think that will be topped when i give myself the gift of seeing PLQ and the Allmans at Pineknob on my birthday this summer. June 30th.

Everyone needs to head down from the cold cold north for that show!!

Yous can stop at my house, sleep there, go swimmin and boozin all day and head to the show at night (about 1.5 hour drive to the show and a great venue)

A plan in the works.

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h - sorry for the delayed reply. When I was 14, I wanted chicks to put out at 14. Now that I'm 30 and I have an 8 year old daughter that age has doubled to 28.

What a hypocrite I am. If I would have waited until 28 the magical birthday present would have never happened.

Fuck all this, I'm going to pack a bowl!!!!!

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