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Phi$h Ticket$


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wow! It is gonna cost 137.50 plus the cost of shipping to the remote area known as canada.

does that seem like a lot to anybody else?

even besides the whole exchange fiasco, i think they are very pricey, considering i bought a ticket to bonnaroo for less than that! and you get dozens of bands.

don't get me wrong, i'm still going...but just wanted to voice my .02

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Thats too much dough for not enough show in my books. A 16 hour drive, complete with all the traffic involved going up into Limestone etc. etc.

Its nice that they're putting the stage in the central part this year though.

But Chewie's on to something, it shouldn't cost the same as the 'roo....

Doesn't look like I'll be seeing any phish this summer, nothing close enough to Ontario. Deer Creek might work, but 8 hours and three days off work is too much for again 1 band... eek I must be getting old...

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Originally posted by Northern Wish:

I don't know how this would work, but any of you are welcome to send them to my US address and save that $15 shipping fee, and then i can send em on to you for about $3 per package.....


that is very generous and would save many people about 20 bucks or so....but don't you have to have the tix sent to the addy on your credit card??? i don't know...

as for the money's worth question bsherman...yes, i don't think i've ever felt "cheated" or gyped from a phish show. i just miss the days when a phish ticket cost $20

(at least when i got on the bus) [Frown]

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Originally posted by MoMack:

One more rant. I haven't dug up my ticketstubs, but wasn't the Went like $60-70 same thing for Lemon Wheel? Big Cypruss was expensive, but don't forget the Clifford Ball it was FREE!

i bought mine from some guy in philly and the mailorder stub was $75 us for the wheel...

has inflation really climbed THAT much from 5 years ago? any economics majors here?????

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I have been to all of the big Festival shows (Ball, Went, Wheel, Oswego, and Big Cypress), and they were all great. The price for the "IT" festival in Limestone is high but not too bad. They say there are limited amounts of tickets to keep people more "comfortable", which is fine by me. If Phish puts on a great show (6 sets probably), provides 2-3 days of camping, free parking, and an excellent experience, then the price isn't bad.

Also, in reference to the post above, the Ball wasn't free. It was a bt cheaper than the rest but it was also 7 years ago.

I think this Festival will be amazing and I can't wait to go. It also is nice that the show is only a couple of hours from Saint John. Funny that the Limestone Phish shows are the closest drive for us out here!


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colin: I realize that the Clifford Ball wasn't free exactly, but I had to work my ass off just to buy a ticket because everyone just made bracelets. It was free for most people there that didn't buy a ticket in advance, and back then who bought phish tickets in advance?

The big festival shows, or end of the summer shows, in the past have always been about kids making money to get ready for fall/winter. This one seems more about Phish making money for fall/winter. Thats fine I guess, just not cool....

I don't know really... but I'd be psyched if I was an east coaster...

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i just sent an email to phish asking why theres no toronto dates, not even a darien lake date, i told em that us canadians are pissed(i dont know who is really pissed) that thers no close dates, other then the 8+ hr drive to PA, funk that

hopefully theyll write back, i doubt it

i love bitchin, even though i just spent 5 minutes of my life ill never get back again

at least i didnt call them hosers

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heh i've felt cheated by phish shows actually a few of them- 260 bucks canadian is pretty crazy- what brings up the price that much since the last time they were there. actually seeing any show with 100,000 others is less fun than a smaller show. is it worth 260 bucks to watch phish on a big tv screen not really. sugar bush was the best 25 bucks i ever spent, a year later at the clifford ball when it was i think 75(?) and someone pulled a gun on my friend- i was done with big phish shows- not worth the cash or the amount of chuds that show up, frat boys chanting show us yer tits as they pass out in their own puke. good times.

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i think they watched what happened when roo tix went up, and figured out that they could rob us blind, werent roo tickets about the same? and they sold out, so they know they can pull it off

you know what i mean?

its fuggin mucho$$$ but i might go

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i think they watched what happened when roo tix went up, and figured out that they could rob us blind, werent roo tickets about the same? and they sold out, so they know they can pull it off



Don't forget you get the Dead, Allmans, Neil Young, etc... Those three alone are worth the money.

Not just Phish alone, covering other bands when they run out of material

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