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Come on guys, is that it?!?!?!?!

Northern Wish

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Please read further down this page in the message: Please Help your Scene (and Heard)....

Since that message was posted we have received FOUR emails. That is bad guys!

Am i to believe that despite there being 430+ members on this board, and their related friends and cronies- that only 4 people want to help contribute to a print issue covering all of the bands, venues, and friends that we love?

Some sad.

Maybe the scene isn't what it seemed.


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Guest Low Roller

If anybody cares, I can write an article from a newbie's perspective. Seeing that I had no idea who The Grateful Dead and Phish were before this year, and that now I'm completly immersed in the music and the people of the scene, I think that could make an interesting read.

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I hate to ask, but...

Are you seriously pursuing a mainly print format (with minimal internet presence) in this day and age?

And for that matter, here we have jambands.ca with no substantial content other than photos and a message board.

This ain't rocket science folks!

* We now return you to your regularly scheduled cheap-shots *

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Sean, I am not too sure if I replied or not. Shoot me one to darkstarotherone@hotmail.com

And Solar Garlic, I deleted my entire Inbox by accident last week, I need your address again.

send it to andre.m.bouchard@pwgsc.gc.ca

PLQ at Darian came and we listened to it on the way to Moe Down.

Good times, good times..........

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for all of the responses....

First of all, I have/ had no idea about the discrimination that seems to be facing jamhub.ca. I try to use the site, but I find it too busy and as GM said I can never get the site to remember me or login me properly. I have registered three seperate times......

As for an email. No I did not send one to every member, if I had the information I would have. I simply was talking about a post called Please Help your Scene and Heard. That was directed in an open forum to all members.

An yes, this for the time being is a print only venture. It is already up and running but needs some help or it will die. I think we have enough of an online presence/ community presently that serves us as fans, but the bands that we all love need legitimate print support initially to ever become noticed by the mainstream press. There are also many members of our community who don't have daily/ or even weekly internet access. We are just trying to legitimize in some form this somewhat intangible thing that is the Can Jam Scene. Believe you me, no one is in this for the money- we are all contributing in hopes that one of our little Canadian bands makes some headway and a little money too. Because whether we want to admit it or not- all of these guys would take a gold record career instead of our glazed smiles every night.

I hope you can all work out these little squabbles- its petty and it ruined the Phish scene.



All inquiries can be sent to sceneandheard@canada.com

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Agreed, Steve, although with so few of us out there, relatively speaking, it makes such little sense to have two competing discussion forums.

For those of us (hundreds and hundreds) that are NOT involved in whatever squabbling or personal politics may be going down, what is the benefit?

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