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What a let down!!! *DELETED*


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C'mon y'all - Jared already backtracked and apologized for being so harsh. Give the brother a break! He's just disappointed is all, no crime in that.

fair enough (I wrote my post half an hour ago so it was kind of behind)

if you do want to put on a festival Jared go ahead, but don't knock someone else's festival and what other people are looking forward to as really good times

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Hey Jared (or anyone else for that matter), maybe you, with the help of those companies can get some decent music organized for the Million Marijuana March this year?

Last year it was a wicked day, tons of people smokin' the cheeba all day in queens park. But the bands sucked ass... Leave it to a buch of stoners to space on the music...

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firstly i wasn;t trying to turn the board against the festival, in any way, people on here are smart and can make there own decisions in where to go, and i was in no way trying to slam mark for all the hard work he puts in, because i know he does,

all was trying to say is that i am dissipointed that i fells to me like the festival is going backwards instead of fowards

and of course i will be htere to camp with my friends, and you make a good point about crappy bands just meaning there is more time to see your friends

all i ment buy my post is that i am dissiopinted in the line up and in the fact that i fell like the festival is going backwards, and the feeling i get that after frontier town got closed that no one cared any more.

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and esau i never clamed to know how it should be done, i simpily said that it wouldn't be hard if you had the time and motivation

No? How quickly you forget,or did after your edit..convient I must say.

"i don't think it would be hard to put a festival togeter, if you knew the bands and had a place"

"it just goes to show us all that with a few good bands and some good friends and a run down ghost town anyone of us could start a new kick ass festival,, to take us into the new summer, its not hard"

"i just dont feel mark wants to take the time or even cares"

You should really read all the post and quotes before you edit things Jared....

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just because Cavern is playing doesn't mean its a festival of crappy bands man...

Tala, Diesel Dog, Caution and the potential of the bands I haven't heard yet is better than I'm likely to find elsewhere without a full day's drive

peace, sounded like slag to me at first but thats fine if you're changing your tune... I'm sure Mark still cares deeply and there's lot of great times to come at the festival

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all i ment buy my post is that i am dissiopinted in the line up and in the fact that i fell like the festival is going backwards, and the feeling i get that after frontier town got closed that no one cared any more.

and i in no way meant to diss mark or anyone else that helps put on the festival.

thats all i am going to add to this, i already oplogised for being harsh, it was first thing when i got up and i was really dissiopinted in seeing the line up

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The festival lineup does look like kife so I can see why you'd be upset but it ain't nothin' against the organizer. Fear not Jared, I take your comments at face value and now I think we all know what you meant by them.

If they'd invited Joyslam again, I might have gone.

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I can see why Jared would edit that. He obviously offended some people, so why offend anyone else?

I think it's great (and important) that people are coming to festival organizers' defense, but keep it at that. He has apologized, many times.

Editing isn't always a bad thing.

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"i don't think it would be hard to put a festival togeter, if you knew the bands and had a place"

Ignoance is bliss, ain't it?

That's the first two steps, and they are both pretty tricky (keep in mind, knowing bands doesn't mean their schedule will fit your festival), and the next 29 steps are no picnic either I'll bet.

Tell you what, somebody find me the land and I'll give 'er a shot. Not Frontier Town and not Killaloe. Suggestions?

Cheryl Bradley's land out in Richmond ... the same place the Ottawa Pagan Pride Day picnic last year. She has lots of land, a stage, is willing to let people camp on her property, and she wants to have a music event there (she and I have discussed it and she is all for it). I have had vague plans with her to have some sort of small probably free music festival there this year, but haven't been able to get much together just because at first it was way too early and haven't been able to get going recently ... but now that you have volunteered to put this together ;) Seriously, I don't know what people think they can get together here (all I was ever thinking of was a more souped up version of the Jams Back At The House, except out in the country where we had space to camp and nobody to call the cops). Let me know if you are really interested in this.


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heh maybe if your disapointed with the festivals in Ontario you can move to Alberta where there is nothing like this at all! You Ontarions don't know how lucky you are. I had to drive 10 plus hours to get to anything decent last summer on a long weekend. the dead and radiohead in the gorge and vancouver. Decent shows are few and far between out here and back home it seems you have options every weekend. suck some nitrous and go smoke your hippy lettuce.

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I can see why Jared would edit that. He obviously offended some people, so why offend anyone else?

I think it's great (and important) that people are coming to festival organizers' defense, but keep it at that. He has apologized, many times.

Editing isn't always a bad thing.

I understand editing isn't always a bad thing,but when someone edits and then claims different it bothers me,since it turns the topic around and makes others look like they are the ones going off negatively,which isn't the case.

Especially when its rather negative (IMO) comments about someone who has worked their ass off to help us have a great forum to see live music and then to just see someone tear it down and claim the person doesn't care or its not hard to do,that bothers me,especially have once been involved to a smaller degree within the music business myself and having to hear the same shit about shows we did or how we didn't care or work at it,when we did work our asses off and cared greatly about offering the best (to our ability) show possible with the limited resources and finances we had.

Maybe its just me I guess, (I know I can be an asshole) but back peddling and editting those sorta of comments really doesn't seem to me to be anyhting more then plain old slagging of the hard working folks.Apology or not,it was said and has been mentioned already before this thread,this time I found it offensive.

I apologize if I came off harsh (which I guess I did),but after a few edits in another thread and back peddles that occured about me(not from Jared),I guess I went off a bit,just bothers me when folks won't stand behind what they have said,then edit it and claim they didnt say it,right or wrong.

I seen you apolgized Jared but only after no one else seen it that way.I have no ill feelings over this,just thought you went off rather harsh about Mark himself,if you don't like the line-up or the venue thats cool.But with having worked a couple times with him myself at bars and just hanging out with him I know he cares alot about what he's doing,unfortunatly you can't please everyone all the time.But try to leave the harsh comments about Mark to yourself,especially since he isn't here to defend himself or his work.

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Shane said it for me. Think before you type.....and then read what you type again....sort of a 'proofread'

If you are dissapointed with the bands and the line up fine, don't go. But think of how the people in the bands feel reading this. They work very very hard getting to sound as good as they do and in my opinion sound fucking awesome. Sure there aren't as many 'big name' bands as far as Ontario goes but look at it from their point of views. Come Together was a little late in the making this year but it because of all of the crazy twists that it has been presented with since last year. These 'big namers' have to make commitments far ahead of time (thats called a tour) and if CTMF couldn't commit months ago to their presence than they will have to continue witht their livelyhood and play and commit to other shows on that tour.

If we want this festival to flourish (that means to strive and grow stronger) than we have to solidify the base, get a good relationship going with Izzy's and let the process start all over again. To think that the festival itself was just going to keep growing and growing is nieve (that means dumb)

Again, please use your head Jared, your tired ramblings are getting offensive.

I do realize that you apologized and that is well and fine and i do believe that you meant it. In no way do i want you to see this as an attack. You expressed your opinion straight out and to the point and it seems to me that that is what everyone else is doing too. BUT anyone can go around and shoot off their mouth and then apologize everytime they do it. Its how politicians make a living.

ANyhoosy, can't wait for that Deisel Dog/Fatties/Harvard Mouse show tonight. Yeeeeeeeeoooooooo!


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Shane said it for me. Think before you type.....and then read what you type again....sort of a 'proofread'

If you are dissapointed with the bands and the line up fine, don't go. But think of how the people in the bands feel reading this. They work very very hard getting to sound as good as they do and in my opinion sound fucking awesome. Sure there aren't as many 'big name' bands as far as Ontario goes but look at it from their point of views. Come Together was a little late in the making this year but it because of all of the crazy twists that it has been presented with since last year. These 'big namers' have to make commitments far ahead of time (thats called a tour) and if CTMF couldn't commit months ago to their presence than they will have to continue witht their livelyhood and play and commit to other shows on that tour.

If we want this festival to flourish (that means to strive and grow stronger) than we have to solidify the base, get a good relationship going with Izzy's and let the process start all over again. To think that the festival itself was just going to keep growing and growing is nieve (that means dumb)

Again, please use your head Jared, your tired ramblings are getting offensive.


well said...I personally think this festival is going to be a blast :D

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hmmmmm well first off...not all the bands are announced yet but so far i like what i see ---jomomma, gorilla funk monsters, caution jam, diesel dog ::, the resinators...and these are the bands i have actually seen! I am sure they are all good...

Personally i go to the festival to'cometogether' (pardon the pun) with people of like interests and what not. The folks are always good (with a few exceptions) and the vibe is as well.

I also think that Izzy's is nice...granted, it is no frontier town and good luck EVER finding a venue even close to being like frontier town. But the people and music are what make the festival when it comes down to it...not the venue. I am sure something has been arranged now regarding our close proximity with the families there (although i didn't mind myself). The best thing about izzy's is the water to swim and refresh in and the bathrooms.

it is what you(we) make it..

The [color:"red"] only [color:"blue"] thing i find shitty is this new price...i hope that it is for a reason other than izzy being greedy

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this is lame!

all this complaining is becoming sour...Jared, cmon' man, lighten up, CTMF was a great time last summer, and apparently all the times before, there are only so many good bands getting themselves out there right now.

I really think people should be thankful for the efforts of others and the musicians involved in these festivals.

If you would rather go party with friends camping then go ahead...don't get down on the scene.

Your negativity is beggining to rival the overhype of a band that will remain nameless....i don't think you want to put yourself in an unneccesary categoty.

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As I didn't get to see the original posting here, I can't comment on it directly, but I can see from the flavour of the thread that people were not happy with it.

As a person who runs music festivals, I would like to offer my experience in these ventures for people to consider: please understand that I am not attempting to disrespect anyone's thoughts or opinions here, simply telling it as it is.

I'm the promoter. This means I'm the guy who is solely responsible for everyone's happiness and safety, not to mention the notion that undertaking a music festival ALWAYS carries with it a substantial financial risk. However, I'm lucky here in a few respects: I have a good job, and a lucky block of land where I can do these things, and I am EXTREMELY fortunate in having a very dedicated group of individuals who are willing to devote a lot of time and energy to making it all work. These are not simple favours to ask of people.

Having said that, picture the following scenario: you are sitting in a room with fifteen people, and trying to decide which bands would be good for the festival. Can you get agreement from all fifteen? Now put it into perspective, whereby you are trying to make fifteen hundred or so people happy. Think there's a multiplier effect here? There will always be people who are unhappy with what you attempt to do, despite your own preferences, perceptions and best intentions.

When we start planning for the Spring Shaker, we start in November, yes, a full seven months in advance. Picture the logistics involved in getting a group of individuals from a geographic area encompassing all the Maritime Provinces (except Newfoundland) together in one place at one time, on their own travel expenses and sometimes in nasty weather.

If you don't have a group willing or able to do this, well, then, you gotta try to do it yourself, including listening to press kits and going to see live shows so you know what to bring to your own show.

And as mentioned before, I have my own venue. I cannot even imagine the difficulties involved in trying to find and develop a suitable venue, which involves having a working knowledge of all local municipal bylaws and regulations.

There is a bit more to it than simply setting up in a field somewhere.

The work here at the Farm never stops. As soon as the snow is gone there are things to do including new construction, development of camping and parking areas, fine tuning, not to mention ongoing maintenance. And this is where I live!

And then someone comes along on the boards and criticizes, but this is a known and accepted thing-


No matter how hard you try.

I could go on with this, but right now I have to go set up some scaffolding. I welcome anyone's thoughts or comments.

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This is my kind of thread, all sorts of bitching and whining and I haven't even added my bit. I think I have to agree with the core point that the lineup is a bit of a letdown not that I was expecting anything much better. Can't speak for Izzy's cause I've never been. I'm still hoping for some Kings of Brantford action though or some other epic seamless mega jam. And I also agree that it's nieve to think the festival could go all comershal and still retain the hedonistic excesses we have come to know and love.

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:: ive heard that word somewhere before.... the first sign youre starting to meld into one.

we've got a word for that too. but you dont like it. ;)

my opinion: this festival (like everything) is what you make it. bring a shitty attitude, have a shitty time... if youre a real asshole, you might even lose your truck.

p.s. the word is spelled naive, i believe.

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p.s. the word is spelled naive, i believe.

got pretty close with "comershal" though ;)

too bad Kung, things mellowed around dinner-time last night... was some nice conflict for a bit then Jared went and apologized and explained himself so there was nothing left to freak about (though ahess made an effort to draw some heat his way)

nice write-up Farley, lookin forward to seeing the fruits of your labor come the end of May

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